An improvement in electricity!

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Lighted bulb💡

Who doesn't know the essence of electricity? I believe that electricity is as important as our daily meals.
I remember many years ago when appointing a new governor or president into government leadership or power in my region, our desires, wants and interests were electricity and good roads. If a leader should promise us any of these, we would willingly and joyfully elect them into power as president or governor.

Electricity is very important in day-to-day activities because most of the activities we do today require electricity to power and operate. Furthermore, electricity can also be used to generate and process food in terms of cooking, and even in the farming sector. But not only food because with electricity, we could get water as well from boreholes.

Electricity is also necessary to recharge our gadgets in other to use them therefore, electricity is one of the most used and prominent entities in the world today because it serves as a medium to archive so many things necessary for man's consumption.

But sadly, electricity isn't as stable as we all want. Despite paying electrical bills and recharging electric prepaid meters, we still do not have constant electricity to use especially when we need it the most.
For some lucky persons who happen to be lucky enough to own their personal generators, purchasing diesel, petrol, and gas is also very expensive due to the high rate of inflation.
A liter of petrol, diesel, cooking gas, and kerosene was sold for about 150, 500, 350, and 400 naira per liter respectively in the year 2020 but today they are sold for
750, 1500,1350, and 1400 nairas per liter respectively.

From those statistics, you'll find out that inflation has eaten up the economy as prices of most consumed products are being hiked x3 and even more.
Well, that will be a topic for another day's discussion but for now, electricity is one of the most important aspects that should be given thorough attention and improvement because I strongly believe that this would improve the conditions of living and also extends its benefit to other sectors.

If I am asked to share my thoughts on how electricity can be improved in my region I would say;

  • Building of hydroelectric power plants. This is because we only have one popular and famous hydroelectric power station in the country and that is the "Kainji Dam".
    There are other dams In the country but this is the biggest of them all and yet we do not have an adequate supply of electricity which means we need more dams or power-generating stations.

Having infrastructures like this at the end of the day can also give room for employment as engineers and technicians would be needed in these sectors to manage and facilitate this equipment making sure they are in good form and perfect working conditions.

Yes, here I bid my final adieu to you my beloved reader and I believe you had fun reading through my post as I talked about electricity being one of the most important entities that should be changed, improved, and given full attention and improved living.


  • Thank you for reading through to the end.
  • All images used are mine!
    Call me Bee 😊🐝❤️
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