(Eng/Esp) Writing Club Contest: "Fairies of the Present, Past and Future"

Hola mis buenos muchachones y muchachonas de #hive que se unen a
mi historia mágica para "Life as magic" en la que dejare plasmada mi imaginación y alma para que interpreten la historia en la que dejare migajas sobre lo que pienso y reflexiono acerca de la existencia de estos seres que por milenios han estado en el subconsciente de nuestros antiguos y quizás en la vida real.

Es 1970, Michael disfruta junto a su hermano menor Angel de unas merecidas vacaciones junto a sus padres en la casa del Abuelo Abraham que vive en un lugar muy lejano rodeado de un bosque. Michael es un joven alegre y fuerte, con sus 15 años tiene lo que se podría decir un futuro maravilloso en el fútbol americano además de ser guapo, inteligente y tener mucho éxito entre las chicas.

Angel es un muchacho triste que a simple vista es muy distinto de su hermano ya que usa lentes, tiene cabello largo, es introvertido, tímido, frágil físicamente pero también es muy inteligente, bastante perceptivo de las cosas que le rodea, solo que al ser solitario no manifiesta lo que piensa para evitar que sus padres vuelvan a darle medicamentos. Ambos tienen algo en común y es un gran amor de hermanos, juegan mucho entre si, Michael sabe lo cohibido que es su hermano y no le presiona, solo le quiere y anhela su felicidad.

Juegan constantemente en el bosque durante estas vacaciones con su pelota de fútbol americano y Michael a medida que pasa la mañana, nota que su hermano esta muy distraído, es como si estuviera en su mundo.

Desde pequeños el ha notado este comportamiento en Angel, eventos que se repiten contadas veces en los que solo ellos dos saben lo que sucede ya que nunca le han contado de esto a sus padres para así evitar que Angel vuelva a ver a los doctores que siempre le hacen sentir fatal con sus tratamientos, esta es una promesa de hermanos, una que Michael cumplirá a pesar de lo que digan sus padres sobre Angel porque si hay un momento en el que su hermano muestra un rostro de felicidad, es cuando esta en su mundo, cuando ve a lo que el llama sus amadas hadas.

Hello my good boys and girls of #hive who are joining my magical story for "Life as magic" in which I will leave my imagination and soul to interpret the story in which I will leave crumbs about what I think and reflect about the existence of these beings that for millennia have been in the subconscious of our ancients and perhaps in real life.

It is 1970, Michael and his younger brother Angel are enjoying a well-deserved vacation with their parents at Grandfather Abraham's house, who lives in a very distant place surrounded by a forest. Michael is a cheerful and strong young man, with his 15 years has what could be said a wonderful future in American soccer besides being handsome, intelligent and very successful with the girls.

Angel is a sad boy who at first glance is very different from his brother because he wears glasses, has long hair, is introverted, shy, physically fragile but is also very intelligent, very perceptive of the things around him, only being lonely he does not express what he thinks to avoid his parents to give him medication. They both have something in common and it is a great brotherly love, they play a lot with each other, Michael knows how self-conscious his brother is and doesn't pressure him, he just loves him and longs for his happiness.

They play constantly in the woods during this vacation with their soccer and Michael as the morning goes by, notices that his brother is very distracted, it is as if he is in his own world.

Since they were little he has noticed this behavior in Angel, events that are repeated a few times in which only the two of them know what is happening since they have never told their parents about it in order to prevent Angel from going back to see the doctors who always make him feel terrible with their treatments, this is a promise of brothers, one that Michael will keep despite what his parents say about Angel because if there is a moment in which his brother shows a face of happiness, it is when he is in his world, when he sees what he calls his beloved fairies.


Fuente de Imagen

Angel le dice a su hermano que corra junto a el para adentrarse en el bosque, Michael sabe que es peligroso ir mas allá pero no puede decirle que no a su hermano menor que todavía carga la pelota con la que estaban jugando felizmente ese día que nunca olvidará.

Michael corre tras su hermano hasta al fin alcanzarle frente a una cueva donde aterrorizado observa como tres criaturas con alas están volando alrededor de su hermano, el pánico lamentablemente se apodera de el ya que no puede creer lo que esta viendo y ante un evento así, huye del sitio, es su primera reacción, una que instintivamente pesara y lamentara en su alma por el resto de su vida.

Angel corre alegre y no se da cuenta de lo que sucede con su hermano ya que esta feliz, solo tiene ojos para sus amadas hadas y les dice "Tenía tiempo sin verles, las extrañaba mucho", una de ellas llamada Hada del presente le contesta "y nosotras te extrañábamos a ti, aunque siempre estamos contigo y no nos puedas ver, aprovecharemos los momentos que como en este caso tenemos para jugar".

Mientras el hada del presente pinta el rostro del muchacho con muchos corazones, el hada del pasado le dice "ya estas hecho casi un hombre, recuerdo cuando eras un niño muy pequeño y nos tenias mucho temor pero a la vez la curiosidad en tus ojos nos invitaba a jugar, tengo mucho tiempo sin hablar contigo quisiera saber ¿cómo te sientes?, ¿has sido feliz?", mientras el hada del pasado toma el largo cabello del muchacho y empieza a peinarle, hacer trenzas y jugar con el, escucha la respuesta de Angel que es "No, no he sido feliz, las cosas que mas anhelo no están aqui", mientras Angel responde, baja la mirada y ve que aun tiene la pelota de futbol en sus manos.

Angel tells his brother to run with him into the forest, Michael knows it is dangerous to go further but he can't say no to his younger brother who is still carrying the ball they were happily playing with that day he will never forget.

Michael runs after his brother until he finally catches up with him in front of a cave where, terrified, he observes how three winged creatures are flying around his brother, panic unfortunately takes over him as he cannot believe what he is seeing and before such an event, he flees the place, it is his first reaction, one that will instinctively weigh and regret in his soul for the rest of his life.

Angel runs happy and does not realize what is happening with his brother because he is happy, he only has eyes for his beloved fairies and tells them "I haven't seen you for a long time, I missed you very much", one of them called Fairy of the present answers "and we missed you, although we are always with you and you can not see us, we will take advantage of the moments that we have to play, as in this case".

While the fairy of the present paints the boy's face with many hearts, the fairy of the past says "you are almost a man, I remember when you were a very small boy and you were very afraid of us but at the same time the curiosity in your eyes invited us to play, I have a long time without talking to you, I would like to know how do you feel? Have you been happy?", while the fairy of the past takes the boy's long hair and starts to comb it, braid it and play with it, he listens to Angel's answer which is "No, I have not been happy, the things I long for are not here", while Angel answers, he looks down and sees that he still has the soccer ball in his hands.


Fuente de Imagen

El Hada del Futuro nota la mirada nostálgica del muchacho, se le acerca mientras aletea rápidamente sus halas y le da un beso en la nariz, Angel se sorprende y ve como ríe de forma tímida su amiga por la travesura que acaba de realizar y empiezan a charlar. El Hada del Futuro le pregunta "¿Quieres venir con nosotras?, jugaremos y seremos felices por siempre", Angel luego de haber visto la pelota, recuerda a su hermano y les dice "Aunque no soy feliz en este lugar, amo a mi hermano, le quiero mucho porque es el único en el que veo amor, quisiera que lo conocieran pero no se donde esta", el hada del futuro le contesta mientras ríe "Lo vi correr luego de vernos, hizo lo que toda persona racional haría ante una situación así, yo fuera hecho lo mismo si fuera el".

Angel queda reflexivo al seguir pensando en su hermano pero la belleza de las hadas le hipnotiza mientras estas juegan con el y se entrega al mágico mundo de la fantasía. El Hada del Futuro sigue haciendo travesuras y levanta los lentes del muchacho para verle fijamente a los ojos y le pregunta "¿Quieres estar jugando por siempre con nosotras?", las demás Hadas se sorprenden ante la pregunta a la vez que hacen una exclamación de sorpresa y tapan su boca con sus manos, Angel no duda en contestar "SI!!!, quiero estar por siempre con ustedes", las Hadas se ven y asientan con la cabeza mientras el Hada del Futuro le responde "Así será".

The Fairy of the Future notices the boy's nostalgic look, she approaches him while she quickly flaps her wings and gives him a kiss on the nose, Angel is surprised and sees how her friend laughs shyly for the prank she just made and they start to chat. The Fairy of the Future asks "Do you want to come with us, we will play and be happy forever", Angel after seeing the ball, remembers his brother and says "Although I am not happy in this place, I love my brother, I love him very much because he is the only one in whom I see love, I would like you to meet him but I don't know where he is", the fairy of the future answers while laughing "I saw him run after seeing us, he did what any rational person would do in a situation like this, I would do the same if I were him".

Angel remains reflective as he continues to think about his brother but the beauty of the fairies hypnotizes him as they play with him and he surrenders to the magical world of fantasy. The Fairy of the Future continues to make mischief and lifts the boy's glasses to look him straight in the eyes and asks "Do you want to be playing forever with us?", the other Fairies are surprised at the question while making an exclamation of surprise and cover his mouth with his hands, Angel does not hesitate to answer "YES!!!, I want to be forever with you", the Fairies look and nod their heads while the Fairy of the Future responds "So be it".


Fuente de Imagen

Mientras todo esto sucede, Michael quien ante el temor había salido corriendo del lugar, toma valor y trata con todo su esfuerzo de volver al sitio donde había dejado a su hermano con esas criaturas, le toma muchos minutos volver a una condición racional y tener el coraje de volver al lugar hasta que le ve frente al río que cruza el Bosque, ve como su hermano esta inmerso en el río al mismo tiempo que observa como las criaturas están bastante dinámicas y volando alrededor de el, Michael corre para ayudarle al mismo tiempo que detalla como una de ellas se posiciona sobre la cabeza del muchacho, se ríe y termina de hundir a Angel en el río.

Michael observa todo lo sucedido y nota que el río no es hondo, no entiende donde esta su hermano y grita muchas veces su nombre para econtrarle o que al menos le escuche y salga, a pesar de todos sus esfuerzos, no logra conseguirle y su corazón se llena de mucha tristeza al comprender que no volverá a ver a su amado hermanito. Se realizan búsquedas en el lugar pero todas son en vano y nunca logran dar con el cuerpo de Angel.

Pasan las décadas y ya Michael tiene 67 años, su vida fue plena, una maravillosa esposa e hijos llenaron su vida de alegría pero hay algo en su alma que nunca le dejará en paz, ese momento en el que abandono a su hermano por el miedo.

Michael viaja nuevamente al bosque cada año en honor a su hermano ya que a pesar de su feliz vida, su espíritu pide el saber donde esta su hermano, vuelve al lugar donde desapareció Angel como siempre hace cada año y nota que a lo lejos hay tres luces agitándose, en su mente recuerda aquel momento de miedo que esta vez no se apoderara de el, se acerca lo mas rápido que su cuerpo le permite al lugar donde están las luces, a medida que se acerca, las luces se apaciguan y logra detallar son las tres criaturas que vio aquella vez y no puede creer lo que cargan, ellas tienen el balón de futbol que tenia su hermano el día que desapareció.

Las Hadas se presentan ante Michael y el Hada del Presente le dice "Estábamos esperándote, queríamos conocerte", luego el Hada del Pasado le pregunta "¿Quieres saber lo que sucedió con tu hermano?, Michael responde con tristeza "Si...", El Hada del Futuro se acerca y mientras ríe le dice "Entonces tendrás que venir con nosotras". Fin.

Si que me ha encantado escribir esta bonita historia que en mi imaginación genera mucha tristeza y lágrimas mientras la escribo, existen personas que son felices en el mundo real a la vez que existimos otras que somos felices en el mundo de la fantasía.

While all this is happening, Michael, who in fear had run away from the place, takes courage and tries with all his effort to return to the place where he had left his brother with those creatures, it takes him many minutes to return to a rational condition and have the courage to return to the place until he sees him in front of the river that crosses the forest, He sees how his brother is immersed in the river at the same time that he observes how the creatures are quite dynamic and flying around him, Michael runs to help him at the same time that he details how one of them is positioned over the boy's head, he laughs and finishes sinking Angel in the river.

Michael observes everything that has happened and notices that the river is not deep, he does not understand where his brother is and shouts many times his name to find him or at least to hear him and come out, despite all his efforts, he does not manage to get him and his heart is filled with sadness when he realizes that he will not see his beloved brother again. Searches are made in the place but all of them are in vain and they never manage to find Angel's body.

Decades go by and Michael is now 67 years old, his life was full, a wonderful wife and children filled his life with joy but there is something in his soul that will never leave him in peace, that moment when he abandoned his brother out of fear.

Michael travels again to the forest every year in honor of his brother because in spite of his happy life, his spirit asks to know where his brother is, he returns to the place where Angel disappeared as he always does every year and he notices that in the distance there are three lights waving, in his mind he remembers that moment of fear that this time will not take over him, He approaches as fast as his body allows him to the place where the lights are, as he gets closer, the lights calm down and he manages to detail the three creatures he saw that time and he can't believe what they are carrying, they have the soccer ball that his brother had the day he disappeared.

The Fairies appear before Michael and the Fairy of the Present says "We were waiting for you, we wanted to meet you", then the Fairy of the Past asks "Do you want to know what happened to your brother?", Michael answers sadly "Yes...", The Fairy of the Future comes closer and while laughing says "Then you will have to come with us". The end.

I really enjoyed writing this beautiful story that in my imagination generates a lot of sadness and tears while I write it, there are people who are happy in the real world while there are others who are happy in the world of fantasy.

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