F-major prelude BWV 556 - Secrets of Organ Playing Contest Week 70

Thanks a lot for all the comments and votes in the last week's contest! This time I'd like to present a more vivid piece - F-Major prelude BWV 556 by J.S. Bach/ J.L. Krebs (still only the prelude, I'll try to work on the fugues in the future :D)

Just like last week, I play the sample set of Straßburg Organ (free set by Piotr Grabowski (https://piotrgrabowski.pl/strassburg/), which became my favourite for the baroque pieces :D
The registration is rather ordinary - 8' prinzipal chorus in both HW, POS and Pedal (to which I added Pausan 16'.

As you suggested I mixed the video with the audio track that comes directly from Hauptwerk - I hope it sounds better now (please notice the organ's motor sound in the background - it's added by the sample set's creator).

I did my best to master this piece, though there are some flaws that I am aware of - like the articulation or the tempo.
I hope you'll enjoy this entry and I'm looking forward to your feedback!

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