How One Silly Reason Ended A Relationship!!!


Every time I think about one of my past relationships and how things ended for us because of one silly reason, I cannot help but smile and then conclude how both of us were childish. I was very young and naive to what relationships entail then, same with the guy too.

I'd just finished secondary school and met my first boyfriend whom we dated for 4 years. Even though we loved ourselves and when I was also stupid for how I did things just to keep him around me, still there was one reason I left him which he also didn't bother to make it work because he had another girl he was dating and I guess he just needed a break from us, also I wanted nothing to do with him again.

He is from a family whose mother is a prophetess in a white garment church and is fondly called the son of a prophetess who took the church so seriously. I, on the other hand, am a Redeemite which means I attend the Redeemed Christian Church of God. On many occasions, we had the conversation that when we both get married, I won't go to his church and he also insisted that he wasn't going to my church either. Sometimes, we might just make a joke out of it and forget such a discussion and other days, we bring it up again while making me understand that the man is always the head of the house.

His thought was that he would never allow his children to attend my church and being the stubborn girl, would make him know I can never let the children go to his, too. We fought on this issue and we would solve it while still letting ourselves know that we cannot go to different churches as husband and wife.


But the day it got serious was when he brought up the topic again. I was so angry, same as he, but we made ourselves know that this relationship would not work if we kept the stance that no one would go to the other church unless I succumbed and started believing in my mind that I would be going to a white garment church, in this regard, Cherubim and Seraphim.

Although I was born in a white garment church, Celestial Church of Christ, I made up my mind never to go there anymore after my parents took us out of there at an early age due to their reasons which I do not know till today, and my mentality has been that both C & S and Celestial Church are the same who do not fully practicalised what is in the scripture, and that many of them are involved in diabolical means (I am sorry for saying this if perhaps I have some readers who attend any of the churches) but my past experiences with them made me bring up this assertion about them.

This silly reason made us break up and anytime I think of this experience, it makes me feel I didn't do the right thing because if I knew and understood what a relationship is all about, I would have known what compromise was then, perhaps or not, we would have talked through it and tried to choose a different church aside from ours which we could be attending if only there was true love among us.

Do you want to know something? I met a guy recently who is also a member of a white garment church, something I am running away from 😄 it seems I cannot escape from this but I am still trying to talk to him to see the need for us to compromise and see if it would work out and know how to move out before it gets too late or when I have gone too far with it. No love should cloud my mind from it. Though it's a silly reason one could flip through while working towards it together as partners, I still believe it is important to sit down and talk if it's something both can compromise on so it doesn't turn into trouble later in the future.

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