Capturing the moment through the lens.


Photography, to me, is more than just capturing images and using the editing tools to make it come out beautifully, it is a powerful means of telling a story or expressing oneself. Through the lens, we can freeze moments in time, in other words, it allows us to capture the essence of that particular moment while preserving it for future generations to see and experience.

Just like these old photographs of myself and my younger sister when we were babies. I value the essence of photography when I look at it today and remember my birth and how my parents had kept these photos for me to have access to today. That's the essence of photography.



When a photograph is taken, not only does it capture the visual elements of a scene, but emotions, the atmosphere and the context of that moment. Even if after months or years, this moment can always be revisited and the memory it brings would make one experience it again allowing the one viewing it to relive the emotions and the memories attached to it.


For example, the photograph of a little girl captured while holding an orange in her hand and savouring the taste of it preserves that exact moment of joy and excitement as she takes each sip into her mouth, allowing viewers to feel the happiness in her while enjoying the fun with the fruit.


So, also is the photograph of a sunset which captures the beauty and calm environment of such moment, allowing viewers to appreciate the colours and mood of the scene before the sun goes down dips below the horizon. With this, the memory of experiencing sunset makes one relive the experience while appreciating nature and the gift to humanity.


A single image has the ability and power to stir up feelings of joy, sadness, nostalgia or awe, depending on the connection the viewer has to the subject matter. For instance, an image of my late mom could stir up the feeling of sadness, making me miss her the more but it could only turn it back to joy when I decide to remember the happy moments spent together. Someone said instead of seeing a picture and feeling sad because of the bad occurrence it brought, why not remember the good times spent together as that can bring a sense of happiness in you.



Another thing I appreciate about photography is turning your pictures into black and white. This is because black and white photography can describe the mood and atmosphere in a way that coloured photography sometimes cannot. It also encourages viewers to focus on the emotional impact of the image rather than getting lost in the details of colour.


Photography serves as a form of visual communication. Without saying a word, an image can convey even the complexity of ideas, spark conversations and express cultural diversity. In a world that is being flooded with information, images have this special ability to pass through the noise and communicate directly with our hearts and minds.

In conclusion, photography is more than just seeing it as a profession or a hobby, it is a great medium to feel connected, communicate and inspire. It can leave a lasting impact on an individual or large group of people or in societies.

All images belongs to me

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