From play to profession

Every child has the privilege to choose what they want in life because they still have a long way to go. More life is unpredictable so learning something as a child is never a bad thing.

When I was a child my mom made me understand that in life, someone has to be multitasking in every aspect of his or her life.

The image is mine

I do not believe that for some reason because I was just a child and everything I needed was being provided for me by her so why worry myself about multitasking? But then she took me to a computer school, deep within me I didn't need the computer school but there was nothing I could do other than to learn as instructed by my mom.

The first three months were like a joke to me because, I didn't take it seriously all I did back then was get to the computer school, play with my peers, and of course when it was closing time I was the first one to jump out of the school because I can't wait to get back home and continue my play like a child that I was.

Despite all the play and unseriousness, I know how to operate a computer than some of my seniors though I have never thought of using it in the future and that was why I didn't get too serious for once with it.

Sometimes it's better to learn something as a child than to start learning as an adult, because when a child learns something they know it more than adults. Adults have a lot to think of and that might prevent their brain from going deep into whatever they want to learn.

When I became an adult I couldn't continue university immediately because my mom couldn't afford it, so I was looking for a job so that I could save up to further my education, but the only job that was available around the area was computer operator, then I thought of all what I have learned as a kid and then summoned the courage to take the job.

I never knew I could be that good on a computer until I took the job of a computer operator, then I realized that some things are better to be known as a kid because kids's brains are very sharp and they don't forget things easily.

After I finished university, the same thing happened I couldn't get a better job than a computer operator, I was staying with my sister and she advised me to take the job since I could operate the computer, I took the job as advice.

At first, I wasn't enjoying the job but as time went on I began to find the job fun because the more you operate a computer the more you know more about it.

While I was working as a computer operator, a young girl was brought to my computer center to learn and she was behaving as if she didn't want to learn so I told her my story, how I was behaving towards the computer training my mother took me too while I was a kid, then she realizes that no knowledge is a waste. What I learned back then is what I am using as a source of income now. Because then I was taught how to use different types of computer packages and how to operate on the Internet as well.

Now it is what I have learned when I was a kid that fetched me more money than my main job. Let's just say what I learned as a kid is now useful when I am an adult

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