
Good day great people of MCGI Care Community! I bring us greetings in the name of the Lord. Today is the day that the Lord has made we will rejoice and be glad in it.
I want to specially wish every member of the Church of God happy New year.

In today's Thanksgiving service were taught so much on trials and temptations and how we can overcome temptations. We were equally taught the benefits of patience during our times of temptations. Below are the few lessons I learnt.

1 Corinthians 10:13

We learnt from this scripture that there is no temptation that has overtaken us that is not common to man. But God is faithful who will not allow us to be tempted beyond what we are able to bear. But even in the midst of the temptations God would always find a way of escape for us His Children.

I was made to know that temptation is something that is common to every member of the church of God all over the world. So on would not say he is being punished by God when he finds himself in temptations because our brethren all over the world are going through the same thing.
I also learnt from this scripture that we should always but our faith in God who will always gives a way of escape in all our temptations if we trust Him.
If we trust God during our times of temptation He would always grant us help.
I also learnt from this scripture that God will not allow us to go any temptation that we cannot overcome, He knows us more than we know ourselves, so it Him that will ensure that the temptations that comes our way are something we can bear.

James 1:1-8

We learnt from this scripture that we should count it all joy when we are faced with various trial. The reason we should be joyful during the time of our temptation is because the temptations would help us to learn patience and endurance. God wants us to be patience, He wants us to always perserve, but the only way we can learn patience and perseverance is when we are faced with different temptations.
Temptation is like a stepping stone for us that leads us to patience.
We were encouraged not to be afraid during our times of temptation, but that we should always put our trust in God during the time of our temptation because He will always make a way of escape for us.
We learnt from this scripture that temptation is a way that our faith is tried and tested. Because the trying of our faith worketh patience.
We learnt from this scripture that there is a wisdom we need to overcome every temptations that comes our way. And if we lack these wisdom we are encouraged to ask God and He will give us the wisdom to overcome. But while asking we encouraged to ask in faith because without faith it is impossible to receive from God.
There is a wisdom for every temptation and it is God that has this wisdom; it is in asking God that we receive wisdom to overcome in our temptations.
We were encouraged to always ask in faith because a double minded man would not receive anything from God, if we are always holding fast to the word of God then God would always be there to help us.

James 5:8

We learnt from this scripture that we should always be patient in our times of temptations. Because the devil knows that the time is short; he knows that the day of the Lord is nigh. So he would bring so many temptations our way because he doesn't want us to be with the Lord. It is our responsibility to be patient during our trying times.

John 14:21

In this scripture we were encouraged to be doers of the commandment of God. When we are faced with life situations it is expected that we apply the word of God to the situations. For example the word of God said we should love our enemies, but to someone that doesn't have enemy the commandment doesn't apply to him at that point, but when you have an enemy God expects us to apply His word in that situation so that we won't fall into the trap of the devil.


I learnt that God is the greatest Economist. He is able to turn every plan of the devil to work for the good of His Children.

I learnt that God uses temptations and trials to refine His Children. Just as gold is refined in the furnace of fire, God's children are refined in the furnace of affliction.

I learnt that if we faced with temptations and we don't know what to do that we should pray to God and ask Him for wisdom to handle the temptations.

I learnt that we should believe the word of God and stand with during our times of temptations and trials.

I learnt that the test or temptations is an exam for every child of God to test our faith.

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