Chatting = Dating

A lot of people (especially in a friend group) just automatically assumes that the single guy amongst them is usually the ones with the best relationship advise. I mean it might be true sometimes but that doesn't mean it's always true, unfortunately my friends don't understand that. They all just think I'm the relationship expert and so they always come to me to ask questions whenever they're about starting a new relationship or in the middle of a relationship.

The only upside to this for me is that I get a good story out of it to write here every day, and that is the only reason why I never complain or send them away when they come with their ridiculous questions.

Photo by Yogas Design

Anyways, I have this friend of mine who recently got on Tinder. Now you have to understand that my friends getting on tinder is like a huge thing because we've never been that desperate to find love and even if we were desperate, going on tinder has never been an option.

Well, this friend of mine got on tinder and he eventually matched with someone and they both started texting. Now usually I wouldn't know all of this information because it's none of my business so my friend wouldn't tell me he recently matched with someone but you see, the only reason I knew was because this boy literally comes to me for everything.

I mean one would think that if you're that desperate to find love, your chatting game should be on point but nope, my friend sucks at chatting with the ladies online so now the single guy, which is myself, has to do it for him and that is where the problem is.

For someone who has been single for a while now, my game is a little bit off, a little bit rusty, but this boy just refuses to listen. He so much believes in me more than I believe in myself and now I don't want to let him down because I would feel bad if I do, and that is why I'm here.

What do you people say to a lady you're just chatting with for the first time, what questions do you ask, what questions do you not ask.. Please help a brother to help a brother out because this is serious business for me and also a potential girlfriend for my pal here. So please do leave your comments below.

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