Bumbles in the Rose of Sharon

So today I thought was a work day I got up early drove to work only to find out that I had switched days with one of my coworkers and didn't change it in my calendar. Now what to do, its overcast today, kind of blah oh I know lets get the camera out and see what I can find.

As I walked around the yard looking at what would be a good subject to photograph, I happened to notice the buzz around my Rose of Sharon tree. It is in full bloom and the bumble bees are every where. All though they were not as cooperative as I was hoping for, I did manage to catch a few good pictures.

I hope you enjoy, thank you for stopping by.

Cannon EOS Rebel T2i; EF 75-300mm; ISO 1600, EF 205mm; f/5.6 1/400s

Cannon EOS Rebel T2i; EF 75-300mm; ISO 1250, EF 190mm; f/5.6 1/400s

Cannon EOS Rebel T2i; EF 75-300mm; ISO 1250, EF 170mm; f/5.6 1/320s

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