Free Me Sunday? Meh! Free Me Daily - What freedom means to me.

Let's play it by ear. Do you hear that caterwhal?

That is what we refer to as other humans or more casually people. They are horrid things, take up your time as they speak their words and fill the air with screetching designed to make them feel warm and fuzzy and at the most basic make anything else that hears it from the animal kingdom including those who think we are not from the animal kingdom feel tormented as they kneel metaphorically and ask: "Why me?"

The answer is quite simple. You have no Freedom.

Not really, not completely, parts thereof sure but not the really good parts.

What does freedom mean to me daily?

It means I can tell that person to shut up and they will shut up turn around and go away, no offence is taken not even a thought given to the matter. They will just go poof bye bye.

This is the real world we have businesses and customers and those customers have wants and they have paper and plastic and for all intents and purposes, you work there so you agreed that whatever they have in their silly clown bags, is worth suffering for.

Ok so now that we have established the screechers own you, you must also consider you are a screecher to other people it is only fair. You are reading this so I assume you already know that, have processed it and effectively don't make a nuisance of yourself when you don't get the "service" you "paid" for - or not even paid for yet.

Freedom to me is being able to just say fuckit I don't care you are trash and I will now go screech somewhere else. Have a nice day and get hit by a truck. I won't feel bad if they do and I expect the vice versa is true. We have reached equality.

So in summary daily freedom means to me to have people who go away if I wish, to be left alone unless I have a mutual understanding with someone that we will do something together. Then be left alone.

To not have people ask me something as though it is a question, since I do have to do it anyway because they have paper and plastic, and my boss gets very sulky when I send them away.

I have been taking back a bit of my freedom as there is no way I do hurry up and wait for jobs anymore, these things want to screech because they think what they want is so important, finally out of agony you give in, accept the work in the time frame and then...

Oh deary, don't worry I will come to get it tomorrow or later. Trash. It is not the fact that they will come to get it later, that is perfect, come whenever you want preferrably when I am not there so I don't have to listen to your screeching about why you did not come sooner or how great this looks or that. It is because your turd brain decided it was worth wasting 10 min of my life begging to get it within whatever parameters you consider would make you feel all special. Needy pathetic people.

They are photos (I print trash for a living), mere images of more screechers and yes it is nice the one or two are dead which would save me future pain and agony since you invariably go tell other screechers to come to this place and the dead ones can't which makes me happy.

My daily freedom means to me if instead of your stinking flesh polluting the air around me that you would just fucking email me, seriously, just mail the shit and stay away until the last minute, run in grab your shit and run out. Is this too much to ask?

So about this #freedomfriday, you should most likely check it out the latest one is summarized nicely in this post. It was started by @Eaglespirit and you should definitely try to take part. Obviously, it is on Fridays and this is a perfect example of what it is not.

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