[Eng /Esp] Delicious strawberries with cream //Ricas fresas con crema


Hello gems friends, how are you? Thankful to God for allowing me to share with you again. Today I will be telling you about this divine strawberries with cream that we compare.

Hola amigos de gems, como están? Agradecida con Dios por permitirme compartir con ustedes nuevamente. Hoy les estaré hablando de esta divina fresas con crema que comparamos.

This weekend we went out with some friends to a restaurant and for dessert we decided to try these divine strawberries with cream and cheese, they are really tasty.

El fin de semana salimos con unas amistades a compartir un rato a un restaurante y pues como postre decidimos probar esta divinas fresas con crema, queso en verdad son muy sabrosa

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