How to kill ten thousands; A strategy to kill a giant challange

Hello friends


In life we all come to face circumstances or a situation which determines the destiny of our careers, business, relationships, faith and life in general. This challenger is an enemy of our future. He is not just our adversity but also our adversary. He is determined to crush you, he always appear big and insurmountable, capable of delivering his threats.

When he takes a stand and abuses you you chicken out. You begin quacking, he corners you and you draw back. You loose your confidence, your energy, your dreams, your enthusiasm, he just messes with your life big time. People see you going around with your routines but in your heart is full of fears, pains and frustrations but people do not know that. You live defeated in every area because of this one giant. Goliath terrorizing your life.

In this post I'm going to use the story of David and Goliath. We will see the secular phrase from this story and we will visit quickly the original story, then I will give lessons we can learn from this story.

In modern usage, the phrase "David and Goliath" has taken on a secular meaning, denoting an underdog situation, a contest where a smaller, weaker opponent faces a much bigger, stronger adversary; if successful, the underdog may win in an unusual or surprising way.[2][26] It is arguably the most famous underdog story.27

In the bible there's a story about David and Goliath, I know most of us are familiar with the story, about a young boy David and how he defeated the giant Goliath who terrorised the children of Israel. The whole army of Israel feared him, even the rascal king Saul feared him. Nobody hard the courage and the power to fight him. Goliath insulted the whole army, the Israel and even their God, yet none could dare to take a challenge to fight Goliath when he invited them to do so. Day after day it was a routine, he came insulted them but they never dared to respond. The scene was depressing.

But a young shepherd boy when he heard all the insult he could not just take it, how can this one man paralyze the whole nation. How dare he, insult our nation, our army and our God? His heart was stirred and he accepted the challenge to fight the giant.


In front of him there stood a challenge, he was a giant man with twelve fingers and twelve toes. His physic, his abnormal fingers and toes were a statement of who he was, but even then David was not ready quack. Goliath was not only huge in physic but also he had a huge experience in fighting, since his childhood had been a man of war, wow! It is scarring but not to David, his was determined to fight him, no matter what.

In deed he fought him and he won, the rest of the Goliath army ran away, David was the new hero in the country, the women from all towns came up with this song;

   When the men were returning home after David had killed the Philistine, the women came out from all the towns of Israel to meet King Saul with singing and dancing, with joyful songs and with timbrels and lyres. 7 As they danced, they sang:

“Saul has slain his thousands,
and David his tens of thousands.”

 1samuel 18: 6-7

He gained sudden popularity, honor and rack in the army of Israel, not only that but he also earned new friends and foes.



-David honed his fighting skills in the wilderness where nobody could see him, he fought bears and lions and prevailed. Sheep felt secure with David as their shepherd. This teaches us, the best place to hon our skills is not in the limelight, not in the public and surely not on the platform. So be comfort to develop yourself when people do not care about you. Master yourself, master your tools develop your style.

-Public fame may come suddenly but skills, character and the discipline to win take time to develop them.

-Private life victories are vital to public victories, private disciplines are important for a public life. Listen whatever we do in the private will find its way to our public life.

-Trust in God, can you use your tools, skills and personality to give you victory. You do not need any body's tools to fight Goliath, but yours, the may look simple but with God they are lethal. God does big things with weak vessels.

-Victories creates new friends and new foes.

-One victory in a strategic area of your life can bring you victories in so many other areas of your life, so always learn to fight the real fights, the real enemy, choose well your battles. Do not fight petty wars. Fight only one war which when you will victory affect every other area of your life. Fight the giant things, when you win thousands of his armies will free. One war, ten thousands victories.
Big glory come from fighting big enemies, the bigger the risk the great the reward. Do not fear when a big challenge present it self, it is an opportunity for you to fly higher.

Live strategically, fight strategically, make strategic decision, network strategically and do things strategically. Have ever heard a saying that you kill to birds with one stone? That is what I'm trying to say solve a thousands problem by solving one problem, answer many questions by answering one question. It is possible.

Thanks for reading this post.

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