Tomorrow I'm going to be on Meno's Songwriter Shop Talk show. It will be my first live interview ever.

So, something cool and exciting is happening tomorrow. (Wednesday/Thursday) I'm going to be on @MenO's weekly discord show called Songwriter Shop Talk. I'm really excited and nervous and grateful that he would have me on his show.

I confess to being a Songwriter Shop fan girl.. I try to listen every week, almost never missing a week at all for the past 4 or 5 months I've known about the show. Meno always asks the most interesting questions and people just seem to feel so comfortable around him. Meno is a talker. This is what I call people who are great speakers and who convey powerful messages vocally pretty much as easily as they can breathe. I wish I could be like that.

This morning I was relistening to the show where he interviewed my sweet and magically talented friend, @yidneth 4 months ago. I had forgotten how great that show was. Magical creature. That's Priscilla Hernandez. You can listen to that show here:

The actual Steemit post for that show is here.

So, I have never been brave enough to accept an invitation to be interviewed live before. This is the first time. The biggest "interview" I've ever done was for NPR's All Songs Considered, but that was an e-mail interview and afterwards they just wrote their own little write up of me. They had me record a little intro voice recording that they played at the beginning of the song they featured. ("Here in the Blue")

Believe it or not, that feature is actually still on the internet on the NPR site right here. If you click the play button on that page you'll here my little intro blurb. If you want to. I can't really imagine anyone going ahead and doing that. I just listened to it, though, and it sounds so funny to me now after all these years. My voice sounds different to me.

It was posted on September, 2006. Long time ago. My daughter wasn't even a year old yet. They used the little picture I sent them that I took one day after I just had gotten a haircut and wanted to share it on myspace. That's right. I was sharing my new haircut on myspace. I can admit it. Can you admit that kind of thing? I was happy with the haircut. Happy enough to send it to NPR. Ha ha. Looking at the picture now, it just kind of looks silly. I'm not even going to post it here.

Well. Anyway.. I'd just like to say that Meno works very hard on his show and also I have never done anything like this before, so if any of you would like to come over to discord tomorrow and join the chat and listen to the show, that would be AWESOME of you! I'd love that so much.

The show begins at 10pm Eastern (EST) Wednesday night or 2am UTC Thursday morning. (Meno is in Florida) It will be 2 hours long. Talking and songs. I'll probably embarrass myself with some things I say, but hopefully I will not embarrass anyone else.

If any of you plan to listen, please let me know!

If you haven't joined the PAL server on Discord, that is step #1! It will cost you 0.001 steem to join, this prevents scammers and such from being very interested in it, I assume. Really dont know the reason. But it's worth it to register. You can see all the shows scheduled if you go to and you can also listen there even if you aren't in discord tomorrow.

To join the PAL discord, go here:

And have fun!

Thanks so much for stopping by. Much love to all of you! And to Meno!

♥- Serena

Visit Meno's Steemit page for some amazing posts! He posts every single day multiple times a day. His vlogs are my favorites!


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