If I could make a wish and it will come true what will be my wish

If I could make a wish and it will come true what will be my wish


Immediately I came across the topic the answers where piled up in my heart already because it has been part of my routine thoughts.

Have you ever had that feeling of been deprived of what was best for you in your life?
I believed all my Life I would have them till whenever not until the reality of Life changed everything living me in a state of unprepared Life living. I never had to struggle this much to pay my bills, I never had to struggle to look for what to eat, life was simple and straightforward not until the reality of Life changed everything.
I Lost my parents at a tender age when I actually needed them most. I needed them to guide me with that sweet parental care and attention, I needed them to pay my school fees, call and scold me when I go astray, I needed someone that I could pour that deep pain and troubles that usually brings unsafetiness to the peaceful living of a child. Put thyself in my shoes, what else would you prefer as a wish? My bad! Sorry am beginning to sound like one of those motivators lols.
Well, the whole understanding am trying to put across here is that my parents meant alot to me and if I could stand to make a wish and it will come to pass I will pray I have them twenty times because to some certain extend I've tasted the other side of Life which I will never wish anyone out there to face the same.
I guess you know what taking responsibilities at an early stage means, it's never easy, the pressure, the trials, the troubles, you can't have all this and be expected to have peace of mind. But the good news is that I have peace of mind, yeah, I created it, I decided to pick courage from my difficulties and am determined to move with everything I've got till I can't move further that is only to go under.
I've missed it alot but am pushing and grinding hard to get back all have lost. I just had to drop this here because there's no other truth about my wish and desire than this, I hardly talk about this because I don't like people having sympathy for me, I have sympathy for those ones that don't know they can still strive there ownselves to succeed life race. Sympathy should be for the less privileged and those who can stand to fight for a better living. We've seen people that have parents and yet looks like orphans.

Let me share this little mentality I am growing up with and it has been helping me maybe it will be of help to someone out there too.

Do you know you can have parents and still be an orphan? I categorize orphans as people who cannot carter for thereselves not really those without parents, but as long as you have hands, mouth, ears, eyes and nose you don't have any reason to be an orphan, you can work your way out towards your destiny. Hope you get the better picture of my definition.


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