Super BAD LUCK, now up to 200,000 Leo

Time flies fast.
Less than two days left to our favorite monthly event, LEO Power UP Day (15 Nov 2023).

To give it even a bigger boost, I think I can do something more from my side too.
And write this full size post (which, to my laziness, I do not write very often lately)

Specially that we see a certain number of newcomers to InLeo, who knows very little about #lpud.
And even less knows about the incentives of LPUD, about the possible rewards to #lpud participants.

So what is Super BAD LUCK (SBL) prize ?

Originally the idea raised in June 2022. I wanted to give one extra, last chance to all those, who were loyal to the ideas of LPUD, have collected and staked their Leo's honestly, and were not lucky enough to win even one small stimulating prize.

Without getting to much in historical details in this post, I will only refer by links to my past Hive posts on SBL and LPUD. All who loves always getting to the roots, and have enough patience, can read here(June, 2022) , then here(Aug, 2022), here(Jan. 2023), and here(Febr, 2023).

With LPUD popularity growing (last month we had 204 participants, every time it takes more and more precious time for @anomadsoul to pick one final #sbl winner (up to half an hour an more).
Clearly something must be done about this.

What will be changing?

The changes from this month cover 3 main things:

  • from now on - SBL will be available to PREMIUM active holders ONLY
  • The size of the prize will be increased from 108% up to 218%
  • Pretenders to SBL will have to do a little more work by themselves, submitting a claim/declaration of compliance (though an enormous work on finding who exactly complies and who do not - could be skipped on our side)

Are any requirements softened?

Yes, several original rules been dropped off.

  • You do not need to be "unlucky" LPUD participant for 3 month. Even those who joined Hive yesterday - can participate.
  • Restricting "power-down period" shortened from 3 month to only 1 month
  • Requirement to be involved in "LPUD minded posting" (once a month) is not there anymore (while this is still encouraged)
  • Whale protection (20K Leo) been fully removed.

How big ?

Roughly - twice as big as before.

How big in every particular case?

To make incentives higher, I'm changing the prize calculation formula to this:
Delegation (in LEO) = 20000 * [log₂(X/10)+4.4]
-- where X is your last month LPUD power-up "multiplier".

If you did only 150 Leo (minimum), X=1,
If it was 300 Leo , X=2.

Prize is capped at 200,000 Leo (Maximum)
In a graphic form:

How to claim ?

Once the monthly LPUD results are published (usually on the 17-18th day, by @anomadsoul), and you have made a double check you qualify for SBL claim 100%, all you have to do is leave a short comment (claim) under that particular post. Something like "I'm ready for SBL". This claim will be also your personal declaration, that all rules been met.
Your claim must be left under current month LPUD results post no later than 72 hours (3 days)

OK OK, so what are a complete SBL rules in one piece?

Here them are:

  • You have to power-up in current LPUD at least 150 LEO

  • You have not won any of the other prizes of this month LPUD.

  • You had an active, valid PREMIUM subscription on the 15th, the LPUD day

  • You have not made LEO power-down's in the last 30 days

  • You have not won SBL prize (delegation) in the last 3 month

  • One winner will be draw out from the list of all the claims, and the corresponding LEO delegation will be done to your account on the same day, for 21 day (3 weeks)

Why PREMIUM requirement ?

I have talked about the huge importance of this initiative to LEO ecosystem numerous times. Do I need to repeat myself?
What ever my opponents may think and say, I intend to support and encourage PREMIUM participation in all possible ways I find suitable and appropriate to me.
You do not like this? No problem. SBL participation is voluntary.

No time to accumulate 10 HBD? Yes, indeed, time is running fast.
I have already posted a short thread message about this new rule yesterday. And we still have ~1.5 days left before LPUD starts.

@onealfa , aka TORUK

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