Good day lovelies ❤️🌹
A very warm welcome to my page once again, on today's article we'd be discussing about love and how painful one-sided love can be 💔.

Love is a special feeling, to love and to be loved hits differently, love is a really nice feeling, that makes a person feel valued, special and happy. And sometimes gives us butterflies in our tummy 😂

Like i said earlier, love is a beautiful feeling . But when the feeling is one-sided, it is really painful, can make a person heart broken and less valued , It can also lead to depression.
One-sided love is a situation whereby an individual has a very strong feeling for another person, but this feeling is not being reciprocated by the other person.

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One-sided love comes with a lot of disadvantages that can destroy a person's mental health. The pain of being rejected by the other person can be really overwhelming and painful, when love is not being reciprocated it can lead to personal rejection , whereby a person may feel worthless and begin to question his/her value as a person , The pain of rejection can also lead to low self esteem.

I want to share a personal experience, this is not actually about me personally, but about my best friend.

My best friend fell in love with a guy so strongly, to the extent she became obsessed with him, she would always want to find a way to spend time with him, she's always chatting with him every single day. On the other hand, the guy she's in love with was kinda giving her the same energy , this made her think the guy was also in n love with her. She was always talking about him all the time, anytime we're a conversation together, she'd always bring him up, i asked her to slow things down with the guy, and wait until the guy tells her about his feelings for her, but she didn't listen to me, i just didn't want to be a joy killer so i didn't talk to her about it again, so I kept mute about it.

Fast forward to when she found out the guy she was in love with has a girlfriend, she was so devastated , she cried and cried her eyes out, i felt so sorry for her. I got so angry, then i decided to confront the guy and talk to him about it , and he told me he just took her as his junior sister and he even saved her number as "baby sis" .

I had to tell my best friend to get rid of the feelings she has for him, she felt so rejected and so sad, she thought that the feeling was mutual. she couldn't handle the rejection so she blocked him on all social media platforms , she stopped talking to him.

Although it was difficult for her to get rid of the feelings, but I helped her to see that she can't force or fixed herself where she's not supposed to occupy, I guess this changed her way of thinking. It's almost six months since since these incident occurred, honestly she hasn't healed completely, I've suggested to her, for her to see a therapist and go for some therapy sessions. After some therapy sessions, she unblocked the guy and they started talking again, but this time no feelings attached.

Funny enough all the guys my best friend has fallen in love with, it's always one-sided, she started seeing herself as the problem, now she's 23 years old and she's feeling she'd never find true love, these was ine if the reasons I asked her to go see a therapist and go for therapy sessions.

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✨ Fear of moving on : Most times the fear of moving on, keeps a person in the bondage of heart break.

✨ Low self esteem : Like i mentioned earlier, one-sided love can make a person feel less of a person and less valued and this can make a person start questioning his/her worth.

✨ Physical side effects : one-sided love can affect an individual physically and this can lead to lack of sleep, migraine and low immune system.

✨ Rejection : it's difficult for a person to embrace, the fact that the feeling he/she has for the other person is not mutual.

✨ Waste of energy and time : putting a lot of time and energy in a one-sided love, can distract a person from other better relationships.


One-sided love is a really painful feeling, and it can affect a person's life negatively, it is also important to recognize your feelings, make sure you take good care of yourself if you find yourself in these situation, because it can be difficult to scale through.

Everyone deserves to love and to be loved, all in all everyone deserves to experience the feeling of being loved, remember don't try to fix yourself where you're not supposed to .

Popular Nigerian singer Ayra Star just released a relief song for one-sided love titled last heart break song when i listened to the song, i felt how painful it is to experience one-sided love.

When the feeling is not being reciprocated doesn't mean you're worthless or less of a person, always keep in mind you're special 💝, you're highly valued, you're a rare gem 💎.
Seek for help when necessary, one-sided love is not a death sentence.


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