Woman Crush Wednesday - @audreybits


You seem so far away my dear cutie yet so near
For all my jokes and disturbances, all, you bear
I see you as a strong lady, never shy and with no fear
You skid through life with utmost speed and gear
Everything you want to say i am willing to hear
I want to break distance to see you, even the barrier i will tear
One thing i imagine everytime we talk, is i picture the smile you wear
My dear interesting @audreybits, i hold you dear


You are an ever present figure in my comment section and it delights me to see your consistency. You do it with the goodness of your heart and you never hold back. Thanks for making my day yesterday and for bringing sunshine into this world. The world needs more people like you. Your smile is enchanting, and your personality is endearing. I wish i can break distance. I wish i can do an out of body obsession, i wish i can teleport and you will always find me around you. You have this amazing presence and i could feel it even from afar. Thank you for being so true and nice.


Today is Woman Crush Wednesday and who could be more deserving than you!. It has been long overdue and you deserve even more words than i can ever say. Thank you for all you do and i always enjoy our good laugh and chats. You are really an impressive lady and i am jealous of those who get to see you everyday.


These words are not enough to justify how amazing a lady you are, but i hope they make you smile, so i can keep your smile longer than expected and imagine watching your face glow in excitement. Thank you for coming my way and it has been a sweet time knowing you. Yes, you never joke with the Friday Feelings too. It is such a great delight laughing with you and more so, laughing at the same thing with you.


Happy #WomanCrushWednesday my darling, duly deserved. I hope you enjoyed this. Don't forget our deal and since you are not shy or scared, don't worry about not living up to expectations, i will accept you the way you are. Hahahahaha. Just go easy with the "harm", i might reach a breaking point where i might fall in grand style and yield to the harm your natural self perpetuates. I guess i have to bring mine along too. Hahahaha


Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.


Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.



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