
Attitude is an inward feeling expressed by an outward behaviour. Attitude is about the way a person feels on the inside that they express outward. How you feel on the inside is expressed through your behaviour on the outside.


How you carry yourself determines who you also attract. To desire you don't need money yet people desire so little. It's the same thing with expectations yet people expect so little. We don't need money to have a desire or expectation.

Your attitude is what determines your advancement or your demotion. Your attitude would determine how far you will go with the help of people too or how far people would avoid you based on your attitude. Your attitude can either advance you or bring you down.

Your attitude determines your altitude in life. How far you go and how you are retained on that path is determined by your attitude. Your attitude towards correction would determine how you will succeed. Anyone can make mistakes but your attitude to that mistake would determine a lot. If anyone wants to help you, it's your attitude that would determine a lot.

Attitude is a guarantee and it's not a mistake. If you add the numerical values to the spelling of attitude, you get 100. It's important for us to have the right attitude to things because it will determine how far we would go in life.

Where you grew up and how you grew up can affect your attitude. It is wrong to form opinion about what people say about you. It's not what they say about you that matters but what you say to yourself when they are done talking. Don't let what they say form an attitude in you that brings about negative behaviour. Pick the right ones, improve on yourself and seek to be better with positive attitude. When you lose touch of who you are, you begin to get affected by what others say about you.

If you have a negative self image about yourself it will affect your attitude. What people say about you, what you absorb in and what you see around forms your self image and you need to choose the right image for yourself. People with low self esteem sometimes seek attention and validation and if it doesn't come, it affects them.

Stop deriving who you are based on what others say or don't say. See yourself in the light of who God says you are and who you know you are. Don't stop improving...take the positives and don't dwell too much on what they are saying or not saying.

Your association can determine the kind of attitude you have and put up with as well. Surround yourself with people of good character rather than those with questionable characters. Your association determines a lot and whatever you are exposed to over time determines what you pick up. Get your acts together. Get your attitude right. Seek to be better. Know thyself.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.

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