Innovations: technology, artificial intelligence, and how they affect the human race. 

Hello, everyone.

The world continues to evolve and embrace technology more, and we continue to see new technologies coming our way, technologies to help make life easier and to support humans. Lately, it has been alarming how artificial intelligence and robots are improving. Their improvement comes with the speed of light, and many humans are scared that, at this rate, sooner or later they will replace humans and we will be kicked out of our jobs and places of work.

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designed in canva.

Technology has done a lot of good for the human race. When we look around, we realize we owe a lot to technology, and how far we have come is all thanks to the technology at our disposal. Those born during the Stone Age missed out on everything that we enjoy today. Easy access to everything we need is all as a result of the evolution of technology.

The impact of technology in our world today is well felt; communication has been made easy, and transportation has been made easy as well, all thanks to technology. Technology might have a lot of advantages as to why we need its continuous evolution, but that does not change the fact that a few disadvantages come with every technology that hits the world. Lately, it feels like our survival completely depends on our technology; without technology, I doubt our survival. Gone are the days where we did not see its importance, which is why we must embrace it and not kick against it.

If you go on social media, you see a lot of people who do not support the continuous evolvement of technology because they feel at some point humans won't be needed anymore and there will be robots and artificial intelligence for every task and job, and humans will be left on the sidelines. I doubt humans ever getting completely replaced by robots and artificial intelligence; we must support the evolution of technology and learn to cohabit with everything technology throws our way.

The truth is, it will take a lot of work and time before artificial intelligence can completely take the place of humans in society. They might have the speed and efficiency, but they still can't beat human intelligence after all; after all, they were made by humans. It is nearly impossible for artificial intelligence to outperform humans; no matter how intelligent they are, they will still need humans to function effectively. These artificial intelligences only stick to their programs and cannot go beyond them, but as humans can go far and beyond to get a job done, this alone makes it impossible to kick humans out.

Ethics of the innovations that come our way.

Every innovation we see today has ethics guiding it, though in some cases the ethics are there but are not being followed, especially if those in power stand to benefit from it.

  • Every innovation aims to provide positive changes without causing any damage.

  • Make life easier and better for humans.

  • Ensure life and properties are safe and not endangered by the project.

The pros and cons of technology and artificial intelligence.


  • communication and transportation made easy; gone are the days where we waited for months before our letters were delivered. Today we pass across information in minutes.

  • Research for students and everyone made extremely easy, back In the day, you had to visit libraries and cyber cafes to get a research project done, but today, with artificial intelligence and technology at our disposal, we can comfortably carry out a research project from the comfort of our rooms.


  • Made students extremely lazy; everything is served to students on a platter of gold, and they don't need to work so hard anymore.

  • Exposing the human race to hazardous substances like carbon monoxide.

This is my entry for day 2 of the InLeo monthly prompt. You can join by clicking the above link.

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