Inleo's overall performance for the month of April.

Hello, everyone.

The month of April is almost coming to an end, so it is time to evaluate Inleo's performance for the month of April. First of all, a shout out to the entire team. It is not an easy job, but somehow you guys get the job done. We appreciate the work you put in just for our satisfaction as users; it is not an easy task. Of late, there has been great improvement on the Inleo platform; features that were not available have been made available, and this alone attracts a lot of new users.

designed in canva.

Instead of spending time on Web 2 platforms, Inleo has made it possible for everyone to join Web 3. The threading feature on Inleo gives room for many people to come on board. Many decline joining the hive platform the moment they are told it has to do with writing, but with the threading feature, you don't need a lot of writing before you can earn, and it is all thanks to Inleo.

Like I said last month, the only way to know a community or organization that aims for growth is to look at the community and see if they give listening ears to members. A community that aims for growth will always give members a voice, and that is the only way growth is experienced. There are certain things members will observe and can only bring to the attention of the community if given the voice, but if they are not given the voice, the problem observed or noticed will bring the community to the ground. Giving members the opportunity to send back feedback is a way to know how to serve members better as well as where the platform is lagging.

Last month I complained about a little bug with the markdown application on the Inleo interface, and before that day ran out, the bug problem was fixed. Only a few communities give members a voice, but Inleo does not only give members a voice; they also listen to members. Some organizations or communities will give members a voice but will never listen to whatever they have to say, but Inleo is different and stands out.

Inleo is one of the very few communities I have seen that is doing everything to ensure growth, not just for the platform but for the entire community. Looking back at how far the team and community members have struggled and strived to get to the point we are today, all I can say is that the Inleo team and community members are resilient and are dedicated to their course, which is to see the platform grow. Those days where we had bugs every now and then, but now things have really changed, and looking around, you see improvements.

Any bugs observed in April?

For me, Inleo performance in the month of April was superb; it was almost a bug free month as users enjoyed using the platform without any downtime. We had a bug free ride until the last few days, when threading became an issue. Every other aspect of the platform was functioning well; users could make and reply to posts but could not thread or reply to threads.

a screenshot of when the thread interface was down.

Another difficulty I encountered on the platform is the difficulty that comes with uploading photos; sometimes it just doesn't respond until you are forced to refresh and then start all over again. Aside from the threading issue and difficulty with uploading photos, Inleo's performance for the month of April was superb and a welcomed development.

This is my entry for day 29 of the InLeo monthly prompt. You can join by clicking the above link.

Thanks for reading my post. Your comments will be appreciated.

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