The Terrible Story Of Edgar Allan Poe

The terrible story of Edgar Allan Poe

Pay attention that today I am going to tell you the story of Edgar Allan Poe.

Edgar Allan Poe is for many the master of terror, in this story you will see that not only his stories were macabre, also his life.

The story begins when David Poe, Edgar's father, saw Elizabeth perform in a theater.

He falls in love with her and soon they get married.

He abandons his law studies and goes to work with her at the theater company.

But he received terrible criticism and took refuge in ...

The alcohol, every day was more irascible and began to make Elizabeth's life hell.
They had already had a son, and in ...

In 1809 the protagonist of this story was born, little Edgar.

In 1811 David abandoned his pregnant wife and two young children.

Elizabeth did everything possible to take care of her children.

The efforts of the 24-year-old girl made the 3 children relatively happy, wherever they went with them.

Elizabeth was ill with tuberculosis but she was still working and taking care of her children, one night in front of them, she coughed and ...

The removal of the handkerchief, there was blood on it.

That night she died in front of his children in the boarding house where they were staying.


The only thing that remained for little Edgar was a portrait of his mother, which he carried with him all the days of his life.

Edgar was separated from his brothers and each was adopted by a different family.

The wealthy John Allan received the little Edgar Poe and gave him his last name, but he never adopted him formally, he was a tough and strict man.

On the other hand his wife was loving with Edgar, always taking care of him, listening to him and giving him advice.

Edgar thanks to her and taking advantage of the many economic resources of her husband, received a good education.
He was quiet but very active.

At 15 he fell hopelessly in love with a friend's mother and started writing poems.
That secret romance gave him great joy.

He admired her in secret and put his fantasies into poems full of love.

But suddenly she died when he was 15 and she found herself crying again over the grave of a woman she loved.

Edgar became sensitive, adored and respected women and when he discovered that his stepfather had multiple lovers, he confronted him.

After the fight he was sent to the University of Virginia in 1821
His adoptive father only wanted to get rid of him and never gave him money again.

He lived in a modest room in the university, sometimes did not have to eat, even one night he put some furniture on the fire to warm up.

Desperate he plays cards to get money to eat but ends up with a debt of 2,000 dollars that his stepfather refuses to pay.

I owed, books, notebooks, food. His stepfather knew that the debtors were locked up in jail and still refused to help him.

I owed, books, notebooks, food. His stepfather knew that the debtors were locked up in jail and still refused to help him.

But he met a young woman named Sarah Elmira Royster, Edgar Allan Poe wrote poems, and both fell in love and engaged.

Edgar had found a reason to be happy, he worked very hard and every day that went by he planned his wedding and future.

Poe started teaching and earning money to marry the girl he loved.
Every day he wrote letters to her and sent them home.

But the girl's father did not agree, so he began to intercept and burn the letters that Edgar sent every day.

Sarah thought that Edgar had forgotten about her.

But after a while Poe went looking for her to get married.

When he arrived for her, full of illusions and dreams about a happy future, he discovered that she ...

What do you think?

He had married another man.

With a broken heart, full of debts and persecuted by his creditors, he left the university and joined the army under a false name.

Edgar Allan Poe was completely alone, and in the army he had an upward career and he combined it with his taste for writing.

Even with the help of all his companions he managed to raise funds to publish a book of poems and stories.

I was beginning to leave the bad behind.

So after leaving the army, he went to find the only woman he had in his life and wanted him: his adoptive mother.

The estrangement with her adoptive father made him still knowing that Edgar loved her, did not tell her that she was sick.

And Edgar arrived ...

To discover that she had died a day earlier.

Once again he ended up crying inconsolably in front of a grave.

Poe went to find the family he had left, he reunited with his brother, with an aunt and with a cousin with whom he lived.

He was beginning to be happy, and he learned of his brother's death. There he took refuge in the writing and in the joy that his cousin brought to his life.

Poe is considered the first writer who tried to live from that, although he always fought against poverty in order to follow his dream.

He temporarily left his aunt's house and his cousin, being far away, only longed to return with them but one day he received terrible news.

His aunt would send his cousin to live far away, Edgar was devastated, she was the light of his life so he decided to return.

And propose to her cousin Virginia Clemm.

Only 13 years old.

Those who knew the marriage, its biographers and historians, agree that it was a happy couple. The 26-year-old Poe changed completely.

With her savings she moved to Virginia and set up a guest house for her wife and her mother-in-law / aunt.
And he dedicated himself to writing.

Poe was still suffering for money, sometimes he had no food to eat and he was desperate, until one day he received a telegram, which contained his ...

Last hope, his millionaire adoptive father wanted to talk to him.

He was dying and I wanted to tell him something.

Shortly after he died and ...

Poe who was increasingly in need of money went to the reading of the will and knew that all his father's money had been left to him.

All their children, including illegitimate children, each and every one became millionaires.

All except him, who was not in the will.

Poe's stories reflected the suffering his soul felt since he was a child and had received only rejection and regrets.

But married to Virginia, he was happy for the first time, even Poe at that time wrote the first detective novel in history.

Thanks to the fact that he invented the detective Auguste Dupin, years later appeared the famous Sherlock Holmes or Hercules Poirot de Ágatha Christie.

Even to this day people debate about which of the 3 detectives is better than the others.

Well, we almost reached the end of the story, Edgar Allan Poe finally managed to be happy but still looking for fame and success.

His wife Virginia, was the only light in the world of darkness that had been his life, was his worship and both were happy.

All the time they laughed, they even played often in the parks, she sang all the time, which Poe loved.

Poe sat for hours to see her sing, they were extremely happy, even one afternoon she sang and laughed so much that she started coughing.

Poe saw the blood on the handkerchief when Virginia discovered herself and remembered her mother.

Virginia also had tuberculosis.

Edgar knew that this was a death sentence, Virginia began to get sicker and the light and joy in her life began to fade.

There Poe surrendered to the darkness, it was his worst moment, his soul was tearing with pain and in the midst of all that he wrote his best work.

The story of a man who loses his beloved and in the midst of his pain receives the mysterious visit of a crow.

Poe achieved international fame, the poem was a success in his time.
For many it is until today the darkest poem in history.

Poe achieved the fame and success he always wanted but at the cost of the death of his beloved.

If they are brave, listen to "The crow" and come back to the end of the story that something else is missing, I hope:

After the death of his wife Poe surrendered to the darkness and the years of terrors that inhabited his mind, product of that pain we have ...

Many books and fantastic tales from beyond the grave.
Poe never recovered, many times he wandered the streets until he reached the cemetery and ..

There he spent the night crying over his wife's grave.
To her he wrote the poem Annabelle Lee.

That's how it was until it reappeared ...

... remember the woman who did not wait for him and married another? Because she was now a widow and they resumed their relationship.

Finally they could be together, Poe just had to go to give some lectures and when they returned they would get married.

And here comes the greatest mystery in the life of Edgar Allan Poe.

He disappeared without a trace.

days later semi unconscious, lying on the street with clothes that were not his.

To this day we do not know what happened, the point is that ...

It is believed that he was drugged and forced to vote several times for a candidate (a practice quite common at the time.

The owner of a tavern recognized him and they took him to a hospital but here comes the strangeness of the story.

The time he had a fever in the hospital, he said he saw specters, that there were people there with him accompanying him and it seemed like the end.

The morning of Sunday, October 7, he came back to himself, and soon after said:

"May God have mercy on my soul"

And died.

I like to think that in the afterlife he reunited with his beloved and finally found the love and happiness that he did not have in this life.


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