Bajai Life Camp 16.17: Day 468

Bajai Life Camp 16.17: Day 468
Gromada Hotel
Monday September 17, 2018
Warsaw, Poland
25.62% directed

Today, I have a better travel plan and that eases my mind. I won't be staying in Berlin. It's far too expensive and I expect it will be crowded as well. It's a funny inverse rule in our economy that the more crowded a situation the more costly it is, the less comfortable it is as well. Population density, I learned long ago, inversely affects quality of life.

Cleaned up nicely! If I do say so myself.

Last night was one of those times when Bod was exhausted and needed to reboot. This means we had, (or made) no time for showering or even getting undressed for bed. We simply passed out. And, I might add, slept very well. Even when sleep was interrupted, we got the slumber back... easily.

We arose strong in the morning, well before the alarm and took advantage of the breakfast included in the hotel rental. It's not a bad spread. I can't put a price on it because I honestly don't know the value of food and overhead. I don't believe I can eat more than €10 worth of food, and would rather push the breakfast back beyond noon when possible. However, it doesn't make sense to me not to partake of a meal that I've already paid for.

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Is this ten euro worth of food? I really want to know.

I have written about this before.

So I'm in the morning mix with people who seem like... some of them anyway... are here on business, maybe a convention of some kind here in the hotel. Others, Asian tourists perhaps, who have an itinerary to adhere to.

My observation of the Asian tourists (and I could be wrong), is that they are very disciplined, especially the elders. Even the younger generation, who seem to be working the more rebellious angle, seem very disciplined about it. My untrained eye still cannot differentiate Chinese from Korean... which will probably get me into trouble with both. If I ever have the opportunity to spend significant time with either group, this could change.

Today is a clean-up day. This doesn't need much explanation. Just do it. Also break out the bands and take advantage of all the space I have in my room. Back to bodyweight training today and lamb at the Indian restaurant. The ladies there treated me very nicely yesterday. Good way to attract repeat customers. And that dark beer... mmm. I shouldn't overdo it. I might lose appreciation for it.

I ate late last night as well. A baguette... bread and tea. Tea does not hinder my sleep. I'm immune to caffeine.

My Queen reached out via messenger last night. It felt like she wanted to get together, or thought I did. I did ask about her schedule, but she revealed no gaps. It's okay. Not enough time for anything but regrets.

Last sips of tea and on with the day. Tighten up my itinerary and prepare.

Ok, it looks like I'll be spending a good amount of time in Berlin. About eleven hours? I arrive near 20h:00 and out at 06:30 on a series of trains. The app won't allow me to reserve. So, I'll do it from the station. Maybe I'll get a better reservation.

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Did you see this today??

Cleaned up FB a bit today. Don't want to read too much into the FRq's that haven't been confirmed. Clean up continues.

Morning workout, legs, diamond pushups, tubes (shoulders), and step-band work. And some aerobic exercise... jacks, jumps, etc. Nothing too taxing..I have to work my way up to this. I even remembered to work the wrists this morning. I think that my forearms have gotten thicker also.

Mentally I'm ready to leave Warsaw, but I can envision returning and I'll be more familiar with the turf. I may return to A-Ville just to see Poland again. But I don't have to.

Lots of relaxing today. Had the lamb at Buddha... it was okay, but not exciting. Some workout this eve and lots of sleep.

Steemit is down. Update/grade... or attack? Mmmm. Heard from #1. That brought a smile.

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This is NOT why I'm late posting.

Tea before the cafe closes. I'll leave here with money, but I put a dent in it.

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