Why Should I Write About This: Dammit I Thought I Told Myself to Write Better Titles

The opening line thing again?  Really?
At least my template changes with every post.
Got that going for me, at least.
And now for some random "art".

NoNamesLeftToUse - No You Cannot Have That.jpeg
No You Cannot Have That
NoNamesLeftToUse - No You Cannot Have That.jpeg
Smaller version for those on a diet.

I Finally Found the Cord

For my Cordless Headphones

That doesn't have anything to do with anything though.  I'm just glad I can once again manipulate my environment enough and to the point where the only sounds I hear are the sounds I put inside my head, intentionally.  Music is a sound I rather enjoy most days unless the song is terrible, so that's what I put inside my melon, and now you know.

We are the universe discovering itself.

That's the meaning of life.

I just thought I'd throw that in because so many people ask and not enough people answer.  It's high time someone changed that for the better.  You're welcome.

Moving On

Here's the part where I can't think of anything to write about again.


So now what?

I made some art again.  Did you see that up there or did you quickly scroll through a blur of colors only to find yourself at this point of the post now, noticing there's nothing here and wondering what you're doing with your life?

I might have to produce another image, or something.  This post is in need of some kind of filler.  Maybe I'll stand on my head while on fire as someone kicks me in the nuts, then take a selfie the moment my face shows what pain looks like.

This entertainment blog stuff is hard.

Too many options and some days I'm terrible at making decisions on the spot like this.  Sure, I could put some more thought into this, take my time, do something awesome, then write awesome things like a normal writer.  Why though?  Why would I go ahead and delete all of this mess now, after working so hard, just to do something else that would probably work better in a different post?

I'll be alright, and so will you.

It's now nearly two in the morning, or night?  Whatever, it's two when it's not bright outside, if you know what I mean, and I got this song on rinse and repeat.

(That beat is addicting. I like.)

And I'm not even going insane yet.

It's been like this for hours.  I wrote that stuff up there four hours ago.  I decided to try my hand at producing some more art while I slowly try to go insane without the help of substances one can find growing on the ground near cow poop.

This is fun and now you'll even get a chance to see how my mental mind operates while I work on this shit (shit in a good way, not shit in a bad way like it burns. Slang. You know how it is).

Check This Out!

Purified awesome.

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Everything has a beginning and an end, they say.  It's true and that's the start of something that will end, at some point, but first there are plenty of steps known as the middle to complete before we get anywhere.  That's the part some overlook when judging their "high quality" content and coming up with something rational to say to me like:

Wtf @NoNamesLeftToUse?  One picture and a few sentences?  How long did this take?  Five minutes?!?!  $100?  Must be nice, asshole!  I worked for TEN YEARS on my last post and I only got paid a quarter!  How many alt accounts are you using to vote for yourself you stupid piece of shit who I hate so much and I wish I was you!  Totally not jealous by the way!

Okay, in all fairness, for the most part, this community is solid, quite welcoming, and insanely supportive.  That comment above is an exaggeration of the incredibly rare times people have placed their ignorance under my posts combined with some of the words I've seen around here and there.  I realize it's easy to overlook the effort that goes into what I or others do here when all one can see is the end result and that reaction comes with the territory so it's all good, that's life.

So, Anyway

Back to what I was trying to explain.

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See how it's all coming together?

Of course not.

Ignore the green circle.  That's actually my "brush" and what I'm doing is lightly applying the color black with a virtual spray paint style tool I really enjoy using.

Next, I'll do more of the same, then add some white that you won't be able to see, then cover the black and white with a thicker coat of black.  Trust me, I know what I'm doing.

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Now I'll outline the darkest black splotches with white.  Don't ask me why.  I don't really know why.  I just did it, because.

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Then for some strange reason I guess I started to darken these areas:

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Once that was finished, I then applied more white to the lighter areas.  Bored yet?

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Eventually, after darkening the dark spots and lightening the light spots more and more, I ended up with this base to work with:

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Much of what you've seen so far was quite random and simple.  Still took awhile to finish but in my reality, I haven't even started.  The entire time, I was planning to work with different shades of gray, but I don't know what I'll be producing until it starts to show itself to me, so for now all I can really do is start blending the base the get the shades I wanted in the first place.

The paint is what I'd call "wet", so now I'm going to mix the white and black with another tool I use for blending and sculpting.

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Don't Worry

I won't make a habit out of doing posts like this.

I've been here doing my thing for two years minus three days and the time off I take when I need it.  After all this time, I've stuck with simply showing the end result and talking about other things that usually don't make much sense but I say them anyway.  I realize I could have recorded the process but then you have to watch all the boring parts I left out.  That's no fun.  Besides, I'm @NoNamesLeftToUse The Writer/Artist Himself, so I'll be doing things my way.

Next Up!

More shit happens.

At this point, I'm staring at my new base, trying to figure out what the hell I'm going to do with this mess of gray.

I want to sculpt and pull these shades around until they eventually look like something cool and never before seen.  I must wait though.  Wait, and stare more.

Eventually my eyes start bugging out and I start hallucinating.  Pareidolia kicks in, I start seeing things, and that's when I'll begin to paint what my subconscious sees, rather than what my usual day-to-day thought process would allow.  That's probably why my stuff ends up looking so strange.  I just go with the flow.  An image wants to exist so it uses me as some kind of vessel to achieve appearance.

That sounds fucked right up, I know.  Whatever though.  If you want to argue with these digital picture beings who haunt me wherever I go; do it, have fun, good luck, try not to die.


They revealed themselves.


Once that dude showed up on the right side like that, I thought it would be a good time to stop.  I had no idea these characters were hiding under there, like that.  That's my life though so I just deal with it.

NoNamesLeftToUse - These Things Happen.jpeg
These Things Happen

Youtube video linked to source.
All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png
"Behind the madness is more madness. Have a nice day!"

© 2018 @NoNamesLeftToUse.  All rights reserved.

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