I'll Take Anniversaries for $1000, Alex

This legendary writer, artist and sometimes funny man signed up on this day,
two years ago.

Who is @NoNamesLeftToUse?



Thank you.

Thank you.

It's so nice I'll have to say it thrice.

Thank you.

Normally I'll try my best to hide on "special" days.  I've trained most people in my life to not worry about making a fuss over me and they do a fine job of it.  I'm sure once the day comes where my life decides to leave my body, those closest to me will simply cover me with a thin layer of plastic wrap and throw me in the nearest hole they can find.  "He would have wanted it this way," they'll say.

Cheap bastards.

How did I find this place?

I didn't.  It found me.

I wasn't looking for anything other than a lighter as I stepped outside to enjoy a breath of fresh air to ruin with a cigarette.

Inside, Youtube was chugging along, spitting out what they think I'd like to see next with their autoplay feature.

Once back indoors, feeling not so refreshed, I could hear talking.  A random vlog hosted by someone I hadn't heard of.  Two guys in a car, talking about stuff I didn't care about.  Then one mentioned Steemit, briefly described the basics to his friend who seemed somewhat interested.  I heard the words, "Link in the description," then clicked before they could finish rambling on about whatever else they had to say that day.

Hitting the signup button was easy.

After that, I had no clue what I was doing.

And I've been winging it ever since!

The only writing I'd ever been paid for were the schedules and business bullshit letters I had perfected as a professional manager of things in a previous life.

I had a quick look around the place, noticed people introduce themselves, so I quickly wrote up one hell of a failure of an unformatted introductory offer into my life.

I started out writing boring essays.  That lasted about a week, nobody gave a shit, which was fair because I wasn't being myself nor was I having fun; I was trying to fit in.

Posting daily for twenty days or so, I probably earned about eighteen cents.

Good times!

Were on the horizon.

I switched over to being a goof and stuck to the arts and entertainment aspects of blogging ever since.  That's where I was finding success, it felt natural, I was having fun, so that's where I stayed.

These days, people can see my posts from a mile away.  They know who's coming.  Those images I produce stand out and there are hundreds of them.  Most of the pride and joy I've accumulated since 9/20/2016 stems from the art I produce and share here for your viewing pleasure.

Back in 2014 when people were laughing at this dreamer known as me saying, "I'm going to make some money as an independent digital artist," there weren't many avenues for someone like me to explore.  Every outlet I looked into was a hassle and there wasn't much money to be made taking those routes.

It didn't take me long to realize Steemit's potential and I started to see it a little bit differently than many others.  Some saw a basic forum where people could get paid to write; I saw a massive digital park full of buskers where everyone got their hustle on and placed a virtual hat on the ground to collect digital coins.  That's when I realized this place was revolutionary; genius.

Today, an artist revealed his latest offering to the world, free of charge.  A patron of the arts was given a token of appreciation for the appreciation.  The artist has done the exact opposite of selling out.
A busker sits on the street and strums his guitar while throwing change in everyone's hat.  He goes home with a full stomach.
This changes everything.  We've revolutionized the arts and entertainment industry.

A bit of street smarts and some business sense.

The winning combination.

I do feel like a winner and I will toot my own horn when the time is right, especially when it can benefit others.  One cannot build confidence if they refuse to believe in themselves first and if I can do this, I firmly believe anyone can.

You damn right I'm one of the first successful fully digitized artist/entertainers on this planet.

From digital art to digital currency.  Even these words were simple ones and zeros at some point between here and there and a few times over.  People come and go, someone bigger and better will come along and that's all good.  I'll still forever be damn proud of what I've accomplished here and remain loyal to the place that helped make it all a thing, no matter what happens.  I couldn't have done this, whatever it is, anywhere else; it wouldn't have been the same.  If I could go back to two years ago to see myself signing up to this experiment, I'd simply pat myself on the back and say, "You got this, bud."

So with that,

thanks again.

I've been saying that a lot lately; I mean it.

Without all of those virtual seats you all park your asses in on a regular basis, there would be no stage for me to perform on, so thanks for coming; then and now.

Have a nice day.

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png
TL;DR = I'm two years old today so I wrote a corny victory speech!"

© 2018 @NoNamesLeftToUse.  All rights reserved.

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