Thoughts of relativity - "Oh, God, why am I not Bill Gates?!"

Quite often people bother themselves with the theory of relativity. No, I am not referring to Einstein's theory of physics but to simply more mundane thoughts, that almost every man and woman preoccupy themselves with at some point in their lives.


Credit: Jacob Knapp

People look at themselves, examine their lives, and ask weird questions – "why am I like this?"; "why am I not richer?"; "why am I not more good looking?"; "why am I only an ordinary person?"; "why am I not famous?"; "why am I like I am, an average, simple, common human being?".

And following those thoughts come the comparison. And since we live in times where a comparison to other people is easy and quick, our thoughts immediately succumb to the temptation to compare – "why am I not a super model?"; "why I am not Bill Gates?"; "why am I not Barak Obama?", or at least as rich/beautiful/famous as they are. If you have had such thoughts yourselves at some point in your life, you already know that this mental process leads nowhere. The only thing it can bring to you is depression and frustration.

Do you know the reason you are who you are? Do you know why you were born where you were born, to that family of yours, in that city, near those neighbors? Do you know?

Because you chose so!

If you wanted to be Bill Gates you could have chosen to be born as Bill Gates. If you wanted to be the hottest super model your soul could have created a personality fragment – you – who would be a super model. Or a world class singer, or a famous leader. Everything, anything, anywhere, everywhere. Your soul could do that. But no, you chose something different. And no matter how average and lifeless and meaningless your current life may seem to be to you, know that you are exceptionally unique. Approve of yourself, your characteristics, your abilities, your likes and dislikes, your inclinations and disinclinations, because all these form your unique identity. They are given to you for a reason.

That realization leads to two major A-ha moments. First you love yourself more. Secondly you don't judge other people. For how can you judge someone else's life whom you know nothing about? For all you know, that beggar on the street might be an old soul that only needs a short lifetime as a beggar to reach ascension and move to other systems of existence.


Credit: simpsons

Fun is not a purpose

Physical life is not about pleasure, sorry to ruin the party. If pleasure was all that you wanted you would choose a different system, where the sceneries are more breath-taking, the people are much more friendly, the rules are loose and easy to follow, life is easy and long, and everybody loves you. No! You have chosen this physical life for a very important reason, to work things out, to assemble your fragments and open the portal for your soul; and if you have fun on the way, then good. But fun, in itself, is not a purpose. And before I am misunderstood let me clarify – neither misery. And comparing yourself to other external objects will surely make you miserable.

Stop comparing yourselves and focus on who you are here and now. The rest will take care of itself. And who knows, one day you may wake up and realize that you have become the same thing you had wished you become all the time.


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