When Cutlery Fails: An End-of-Year Party Story

There's a lot about my character that deserves to be laughed at. People who are very close to me know that I love cracking jokes to make them laugh out their worries. Initially, some of my friends saw me as a reserved person who couldn't make funny jokes until they started seeing another funny side of me. Sometimes I intentionally create a scene so that people can laugh, and I too, and just be happy. 😃, jokes in both words and actions,and of course, these fun acts reduces stress and helps us get out of uncomfortable situation.

Interestingly, I do remember incidents that happened to me in the past and can't help but laugh at myself.Let me tell you a funny anecdote that happened to me in the past. You know, I am a foodie, and it's really hard for me to honor an event and overlook the goodies presented before me.


Just take a look at this high table and see these roasted chickens with chilled drinks. Wow, it was an end-of-year party for my husband's boss, and so the man invited his staff with their wives and other friends. Each plate of chicken was meant for one person. There were also other varieties of food, but I was very interested in this chicken. I couldn't wait to devour it and be satisfied. When I was set to eat mine, I looked at the cutlery provided, and as a typical African woman, I knew that using cutlery for this chicken wouldn't give me the satisfaction I craved. Hubby was seated and watching me and the chicken as if he were not interested in eating his own. I quietly told him that I don't feel like using cutlery to devour this chicken. You needed to see the way he looked at me like one timid wife, hahaha 🤣. He reminded me that we are in public, and I should smartly eat the chicken with the cutlery instead of my washed hand .

That statement didn't sit well with me, but for peace to reign, I decided to be a good wife by obeying my husband. Lo and behold, I started by cutting the chicken, and just one cut, the biggest chicken fell on the ground, wooot! 🤣... This is not happening, I said to myself, Hahahaha , I quickly picked up the chicken from the ground and washed with water, shifted the cutlery at the edge of table, and used my hands to really eat the chicken very well, break the bones, 🦴 and got satisfied, hehehehe. In all these, I didn't try to look at my husband's face because I already know the outcome 😌.


While in the car going home, my husband refused to talk to me, and I was just laughing out loud for myself because, of course, I didn't kill anyone; I only chose a style that was more comfortable for me. But truth be told, I messed up big time at the event, but I only realized it after devouring the chicken, lolz

So tell me, have you ever messed up at an event, or have you been acting so smartly all along? Hehehe

This post is in response to the Ladies of Hive Community Contest Week #189. You can check the link and join.

All images are mine.

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