
What is your favorite thing about this time of year?

Actually, it's really hard for me to find what's my favorite thing this year because this year is the worst.
But thank you @melinda010100 for this question because it makes me think and reflect more about what I have been through this year.

Last year I decided to quit my job because my fiance and I planned to get married in December last year and I planned to move to my fiance country. But the pandemic came and ruined all our plans.

And then I entered this year 2021, I don't have a job, need to postpone the wedding because of the pandemic, and being in LDR longer than we planned without knowing when will this pandemic end.

I tried to find a new job but it was really difficult and made me feel hopeless. In the midst of waiting and in this uncertainty drives me crazy. As a thinker person who likes to plan everything in my life, this condition is totally difficult. Can't plan anything because everything is uncertain. Wait and just do nothing is so frustrating.
But I keep trying to live day by day, month by month trying to survive.


What is your favorite thing about this time of year?

When I read this question, it makes me think and reflect more about this year. Before I only felt angry when I remembered what happened this year, I only thought about what I have lost because of this pandemic. But now I start seeing many things that I got from this situation.

Because I don't have a job it makes me more creative in finding ways to earn money. I started my own business even though it's small. And I have flexible time because I didn't work at the office.

Because of the delay of the wedding, it makes my fiance and I know each other deeper even stronger than before. We have more time to prepare for our marriage life which is more important than the wedding day.


Because of this situation, I live with my parents. I am glad for this opportunity after many years I lived far from them. I have more time with my parents and family. It's really good to spend more time with them before I will be far again from my parents.

Also, I found this Hive community. I love writing and writing all my feelings and thinking are really good for me. It releases my stress.
I would like to say THANK YOU also to the following ladies who created this @ladiesofhive to encourage every single woman.


Now I realized even in this worst year I got many good things still.

So, if I need to answer this question specifically,

What is your favorite thing about this time of year?
My favorite thing about this year is the "waiting".

I know waiting is difficult.
But when I am waiting I am growing.
Being in waiting can mold my character. I became a more patient person. In waiting, I got many good opportunities.
In waiting I get all that I need, not what I want


So, if we need to wait for something...

let's enjoy the waiting and grow.

That's all for today. Thank you, ladies!
I would like to invite @mimolife to make her entry.
Hive a great day!❤️


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