Its Never Too Late: Don't Settle for Less

You know how they say ‘don’t ignore the red flags in a relationship’ and ‘those petty things you overlook in a relationship are actually the things that are going to ruin your marriage’. Well, I think that’s totally on point because I’ve seen it happen around me.

Let me tell you a story. There’s this person I know of, let’s call her Daya, right. So, Daya wanted to get married because she thought she was in love. Fast forward, Daya is now married but there’s a whole lot going on in her home. Her man is out cheating with other girls and a whole lot. Daya wants to get a divorce but Daya isn’t really sure because she’s probably thinking, who’s going to want a divorcee?

Here in Ghana, especially in our Muslim communities, divorce is something most people don’t want to even consider. Imagine telling your parents you want to divorce your husband or wife because of this and that reason and all they can tell you is ‘what about the kids?’ or ‘he or she will change’. Hell, they will never change. You can’t change someone who doesn’t want to change.

Trust me, there are so many people out there in toxic marriages and even relationships who are scared to leave for one or two reasons. People have even ended up dead in such relationships and it’s only after all this shit has gone down that their family now says ‘if only we had known’. The funny part is , they knew but they just watched on.

Love is meant to be a beautiful thing. But today, it’s more of a joke to some people. The good thing about all this is that, there’s always a door to walk out. No one can force you to be in a marriage or relationship you don’t want to stay in. It’s all up to you to put yourself first. I know they say love is blind but even if you’re blind, you can’t be stupid, technically.😂

I’d rather walk away from a relationship or marriage than having to constantly live in self doubt, sorrow and a whole lot of stupid shit which can be avoided. Sometimes, things are just not meant to be and we should be able to come to terms with the reality sooner.

It’s okay to try to work things out, there’s no need to rush a divorce without trying everything possible to make things better. But, there’s always that point where you know that nothing can be done about the situation. Put your life and sanity first, rather than thinking about what others would say. People are going to talk regardless so why not just do your thing. Being single is not a taboo.

This is my entry for day 21 of the #Aprilinleo prompt. I hope you enjoyed it. To take part you can check it out here

all images belong to me.

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