Convenience or Control?: The Price of Convenience In A Watched World

Majority of us, especially celebrities don’t have private lives anymore because our business is all out there on social media. In as much as social media is a good thing for us, it also has its negative side.

Quick question. When was the last time you read the the terms and conditions provided by an app before accepting? All we do is log in, accept terms and conditions we haven’t read and move on with our lives. What we do not know is that our data from one app is being sold to other apps to catch your attention on their app. Have you ever wondered why you watch a video about cooking fried rice on instagram and when you hop on to TikTok, everything on your for you page is about cooking fried rice. 😅 Your data is being sold to other companies to enhance the content you are being fed with.

Last week, I had a discussion with a group of people and someone spoke about how the US database was sold out to Donald trump to help him win the elections, I stand to be corrected. There was actually a whole lot that went down due to this issue.

You know how people say that when you apply for some jobs, the recruiters would make research on your using your social media to check your record. Maybe you might have said something bad about that particular job some years ago and that would prevent you from getting the job. These things are real. Don’t let anyone lie to you.

There’s actually so much about the internet we do not know about and it’s surprising how much we underestimate social media. It can be our downfall if care is not taken. Once you tweet something on Twitter, post a video or picture on instagram or Facebook,it’s out there for everyone to have access to. Sometimes I’m surprised by how people keep their whole lives on social media. Everyone has his reasons for doing stuff but some things are best kept private.

Everyone on of us has our data out there in one way or the other. One good thing that can come from this is us getting some good opportunities out there. Sometimes, the things you post on social media push people to reach out to you for deals and all of that. For example, you are an SDG advocate and you post more about making a change on your LinkedIn profile . It’s obviously a good thing for you and there’s likely to be something good to come out of it in the end.

For the downsides of having your data out there,there are so many of them. Imagine having revealing pictures or videos of you getting out there,you might not make a big deal of it but trust me, it’s going to come back to haunt you in the future. The things you tweet and post about can also be used against you in rooms where you never imagined. That’s the scary part.

I believe that, that only way data can be kept private is when it is off social media. Even in our homes, things we don’t keep on social media find their way of getting out to our neighbours, so how much more the stuff we broadcast on social media ourselves. I know it’s all fun and whatever but we as individuals need to pay more attention to the things we put up social media.

Once , @depressedfuckup told me Apple takes a picture of you anytime you turn on your front camera, I don’t know how true that is but I can imagine how much Apple has seen from some people’s front cameras. 😂😂

all images belong to me.

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