Baby Steps

I started my photography journey taking shots of the shy. From where I come from which is the southern part of Ghana, we don’t really get to see the beauty of the sky because we have so many buildings around. Moving to the northern part of Ghana gave me a whole new meaning to life. You take a walk and you are so amazed by the beauty of nature. The whole sky is literally in your face. All I could do was take out my phone to capture the beauty before my eyes.


I wasn’t really that bad of a photographer but I wasn’t perfect either. Finding a focus was my problem. I would take shots and when I look at them later I’m like ‘what is this? When will I ever get better?’ . Eventually , I did get better thanks to the people around me.

I had this photographer friend who always made me use his camera as my toy. Somedays , I would hijack him anywhere I see him on campus just to touch that beautiful camera. I had the mindset that one could only get good shots using a camera, but I was really wrong.

On so many occasions, I’ve had different people tell me that I don’t really need a camera for photography. My phone is my camera and I’m glad I took that advice. Gradually, I started to get a hang of the whole mobile photography ish. I started to learn to edit and even though I’m not perfect at it yet, I’m better than before.

Sometimes, I am able to capture rare stuff and God knows they look really breathtaking in their raw form. Some things are best left the way they are, that’s what I think and so I just leave them as they are.

For someone who started off being very terrible at the whole photography thing, it’s funny how I’m always battling with my phone storage because my storage is full of shots I never want to let go off. I can’t carry my pc on me always but I can do so with my phone and I make sure to have all my shots on my phone. Just in case I meet my life changer. Lol.😅

This is to say that, it doesn’t take much to learn something. You just need to find what you’re passionate about, be intentional and open minded about it, learn , make mistakes and grow. Just like I did.


This is my entry for day 18 of the #Aprilinleo prompt. I hope you enjoyed it. To take part you can check it out here

all images belong to me.

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