Building On Childhood Abilities And Skills

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A Visit To The Past
In today's post, I will be taking you with me on a little journey back to my childhood years. Those were the years filled with so much fun-filled learning and playing activities that brought so much joy most of the time.

There are many experiences that children are exposed to in their young age that end up being instrumental in shaping the future of the child, even though at those early years no one may really know how great the impact and influence will be on the child's future. In my own case, I picked up a few skills that have been of immense use in my adulthood.

I grew up in the midst of adults, both male and female, who were very skillful when it comes to cooking. These adults were members of my mother's family.

My maternal Grandmother was a very good cook, and this is not an exaggeration. My mother, being the eldest, and all her siblings obviously got the skills from her. She was so good she engaged in offering catering services to people until she opened a restaurant. That didn't last long though as she became sick shortly afterwards and never recovered from that.

I remember when my brother and I went to live with my grandparents. Whenever my grandma starts preparing to cook, we would leave whatever play we had going on to go and observe the process, and I would always ask her endless questions. Of course, the next play time will be to practice what we saw her do in the kitchen, and this practice was usually done with sand.

At some point she would allow me unwrap stock cubes for her, at other times she may ask me to help her taste for salt (I guess that was to humour me and make me want to stay with her in the kitchen). Then, I graduated to helping her pluck fresh vegetables she would use for cooking. Bigger responsibilities were left for my mother's siblings to handle.

As I grew up, I found out that cooking became something I enjoyed doing. I was overjoyed when my family considered my cooking skills good enough for family meals because everyone one of them had superb cooking skills.

Leaving home for school, I began to try whatever recipes I saw people make that caught my fancy, whether baking or cooking.

I never knew a day would come when I will need to turn to my cooking and baking skills to earn a living, but that day came. In 2013, I took a decision to monetize my baking and cooking skills by starting a catering business. A few years later, I created a digital recipe book which is currently still selling. You can check it out below 👇👇.
Deliciously Different Cookbook
Other skills I picked up as a child are my singing skills, and also story-telling skills. With my singing skills, I have two singles released a few years ago, while my story-telling skills has been very useful in my career as a teacher.

I will forever be grateful that my childhood years were filled with circumstances that inevitably led to my picking up some of the wonderful skills that make me the special person I am today.

Thank you for reading to this point. I have written this post as my own response to today's prompt for the ongoing #Aprilinleo challenge. You can read more about it in this post by @leo.tasks.

The image used in this post is a free-to-use image from pixabay. Looking forward to your comments. See you soon.

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