Introduction post newworldfreedom


My name is Philip Williams and after being 8 times blocked by Facebook I've decided to switch platforms and I'm looking for the best suitable platform. Most people are moving to Mewe but that company is based in California, I personally don't see that working because I'm sure if the community grows large enough the US government will start to pressure them, so that's not sustainable I think.

Then I thought I might as well get paid to use social media and write about my topics... so I thought "Let's try blockchain social media'', I've been meaning to after hearing about Steemit for a very long time. But when I checked out the market cap, it seemed to be over and Hive had taken its place, am I correct about this ?

Let me tell you about myself and the topics I follow...

-Natural Human Medicine and Methodology
-World Events like Corona
-IT & Technology
-Internet Marketing & E-Commerce
-Dutch Kickboxing, Muay Thai, Kun Khmer & Western boxing
-Traveling & Culture
-Entrepreneur & Business
-Demokratia (Greek: δημοκρατία dēmokratía) / True Democracy
-Humanity & People

Due to world events since about 2001 I started following the news from multiple news-channels around the world, mainly BBC and Russia Today but from all available sources, especially on the web. Mostly Google, humanity's largest database on the planet and in the history of mankind, I think a lot of people forget that. I’ve shared facts about these world events on Facebook and on various groups since I joined in 2010. Got into a lot of online debates too….. :)

But since I found out about the now infamous and world famous Canadian Rick Simpson’s successful non-toxic cancer treatment I've mainly switched topics to natural human medicine, that's probably why I was blocked on Facebook and this Corona deception. I was writing about Dr Richard Cheng and his successful Covid-19 treatments in Shanghai, Dr Andrew Weber and his recent successful Corona treatments in New York, Rick Simpson and his successful non-toxic cancer treatment, America's Front line Doctors exposing Dr Fauci creating fake studies and the main corruption in our medial world.

This list goes on and on to about 50.000 ignored studies on bio active medicine and millions of ignored patients around the world.

4 years ago I didn't believe this myself but when you use your eyes and see people curing themselves from cancer, you think wtf is going on here?!?! Then you see the science through researching about 20.000 studies, articles and more. Then you think,”this is mad”. I've tried bio-medicine all on myself too. I can tell you that bio medicine works and our entire medical world is full of shit. I can prove it to anyone who just looks at the facts.

I hope Hive is the community for me so I can write about my topics. Can anyone tell me more?

Kind regards,

P.s. Regarding my profile name, I just thought it was cool and might as well get those words out with my first post... :) Besides that, the nwf starts with a clear mind and good health. >>>>


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