Nado vespertino - Crospost Hive [Esp/Eng]

neuerko just finished a 1.65km swim, that lasted for 36 minutes.
This swim helped neuerko burn 586.0 calories.

Description from Strava: Primer enttenamiento de la semana.

Nos tocó hacer piramide nadando de crol... 50m+100m+200m+300m e inverso con descansos de 30 seg.

Creo que ha sido la ocasión en que me he sentido más cómodo haciendo distancia al nadar.

Mañana toca correr y salir a jugar softball por la tarde.

First workout of the week.

We had to do pyramid swimming crawl... 50m+100m+200m+300m and reverse with 30 sec breaks.

I think it was the time I felt most comfortable doing distance swimming.

Tomorrow it's time to run and go out to play softball in the afternoon.

If you would like to check out this activity on strava you can see it here:

About the Athlete: Fotógrafo amateur, corredor y lector de libros...


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