How My Hair Changes Through Time

As a woman, one of the first things that people notice in us is our hair. In some way, some people say that our hair has something to say about our personality and identity. How true is it?😊


I have a natural curly hair. I seldom let loose my hair because it looks dry and thick. I always had it in ponytail or braided because it makes me sweat more and become uncomfortable due to its thick strand. Even if it's wet, I had to tie it.


When I started working in a private company where I had to stay in air-conditioned offices, I tried to let loose my hair. I could freely do this because it didn't make me uncomfortable anymore.






My colleagues back then were all complimenting my hair, how it looked naturally black and curled. They always told me to untie my hair and let it freely showcase its natural curls. Some wanted to have my kind of hair. Others were telling me to keep it that way, to be unique, to be one of the not-so-many people who got hair like mine. I followed their advise. True enough, it boosted my confidence. A lot of students and bosses noticed me easily because of my hair. That's an edge, I think. I could simply leave a mark by having this hair.(But I am more than just my hair. Wink!)



When I started working in public school, I faced again the same struggles I had with my hair. Going to school via motorcycle, I had to tie my hair even if it was still wet and had it untied when I arrived back home, late in the afternoon. This happened for more than a year and as oldies said, tying our hair wet will lead us to have numerous white hair. And that happened to me. White hair is visible already. Aside from that, I started to feel an unexplained headache which turned out to be a migraine. They said this is because of me tying my hair wet.

When my sister got home from another country, she asked me to have my hair rebonded. (I will never spend too much just to change myself, that was my mindset years ago.) So since she offered, I said yes. Hahaha.

So this was my hair after the first rebond.


Neighbors were shocked. Hahaha. Others liked it, some did not because they prefer the natural curly hair. Their words didn't matter to me as I was thinking of getting something new for myself.

After a year, I had it rebonded again and again and again. And I had let it grow and then cut it the shortest.





I was relieved from all the discomfort and the inconvenience my natural curly hair brought to me but I still miss it, even until now.😊


Ladies, our hair is our accessory and one of our assets. We have to take care of it. If having it curl makes you feel unique, do it. If having it straight and bouncy makes you feel extra beautiful, do it. If cutting it short makes you feel a lot more independent and empowered, feel free do it. Regardless of what type of hair we have, we are humans, possessing individual uniqueness, beauty, and personality.


This is all for today's blog. Thank you for your time reading. Be well. Be safe. Until the netswriting.

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