Decentralising our collective HIVETwitter Movement with HIVE Twitter Hustler (NathanMars) Proposal


Thanks a million everyone who are representing HIVE on Twitter day in day out. Most of them like myself only represent HIVE nothing else. We're building a solid foundation to grow HIVE Network Effects. It's almost 6 months I came back to HIVE full time.

Do one thing and do it well and bring long term value

This is my individual proposal, I planning to dedicate minimum 1-5 hour per day on Twitter to bring value to our HIVE Network. I was already doing this for the last 6 months for free.

If you're contributing our collective HIVE Twitter movement individually or as a team then please put up your own individual or team DHF proposal. More the merrier.

We're just building foundation for the next 5 years to come.

ADA community has Charles Hoskinson on Twitter
EOS community has Dan Larimer on Twitter
ETH community has Vitalik on Twitter
BNB community has CZ on Twitter

There are many people who are representing Bitcoin on Twitter and We want to many people and project to represent HIVE on Twitter.

We need to gradually move those people from Web 2.0 Social media platforms to our HIVE Network.

I truly believe that HIVE is only one major investor away from totally different price. We can make this happen sooner than later with our collective HIVETwitter effects.

What USD is to Bitcoin is what Twitter is to HIVE.

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