Fill up your Soul with what makes it Soar 💖

Following our Passion, doing something that we deeply enjoy and can have an intense amount of involvement, spending our maximum time on it can bring many benefits to our life. There are many times when we are stuck up in doing things which we are not happy about and then we keep sulking about it. Why do we do that? If we are not happy then why should we continue doing that?

Well it is not always very easy on giving up on something that we don't enjoy doing and taking up something that really lifts up our spirits. There can be many reasons to it. Sometimes it is about finances, sometimes it is about doing our duties, or sometimes it is also about stability.


When I was working in a Corporate job, I had very mixed feelings, there were many times when I wanted to quit and do things that I enjoy doing the most like the healing work, learning new therapies. I would try to squeeze in sometime in middle of my work and do some readings. But then there were times where I felt I am enjoying my job so much and I am getting so well paid so would it be wise to quit all of it and go in an unknown territory where I need to start all over again. Honestly it was a state of confusion for me. I decided to leave it to the universe to guide me and take me in a direction that would be best for me.

Then came a time when my husband got a job in Oman and we had to shift. I was very excited about the shift as it was something new to look forward to but at the same time there were lot of open questions for me. Shifting means I had to quit my job and new beginnings and while he had a job I did not and the job scenario in middle east anyways was poor. But then I decided that if this has come forward to me, it is my calling and I will trust and move ahead. I was not mentally ready to give up my job, so the plan was that I will hunt for a job in the new country. With my experience I was very confident that I will get one. The shifting happened and while I was enjoying all the transition and making the available time used up for my healing work and enjoying that part of it, I was also trying for jobs. A few months passed and there was nothing happening and the frustration was building up and simultaneously I was working more and more on healing work and my other hobbies.

Gradually I could feel that shift in my mind and I was feeling I no longer needed a job, if I would get one I may not enjoy working as by now I was feeling so satisfied and happy with my own work and practices. Then I was reflecting that why did it take me so long to come to this understanding. What was the reason? And the only answer I could get is the feeling of insecurity. I was afraid that if I lose my job I would lose my status, I would get financially dependent, how people would accept me for what I want to do. All of this was stopping me to take that decision and not giving me a go ahead. But the universe has its own miraculous ways to push us to what is best for us.


I now realize that it was only those insecurities that kept me with the idea of working, once I stopped nothing much changed, I still had respect, finances were ok, people accepted me for my work and rather they were appreciating me. I was able to do what I felt good and happy about. I had no deadlines, no instructions, no pressures. All I had was satisfaction and contentment of what I was doing.

Sometime it is just these mental blocks that keep on holding us, the insecurities of getting out of comfort zone. Doing what we enjoy can sometimes be very demanding and challenging, so the fear of messing up is always on the mind. Quitting up on something that is very stable and doing something which makes us feel good but there could be lot of uncertainties in it is not very easy and one should also not try to take these decisions in a haste. A good preparation is required from all aspects when we want to take this step. But yes if you are ready for the shift and if you still do not take the action then the universe will just push you and throw you into it in it's own way; like I believe it happened to me.

Even doing things what makes you feel good and happy will not be on a bed of roses, so it is absolutely necessary one dissolves all the illusions that would be around and go a little practical way. If you are not sure the best way to start is with doing it part time and evaluating all the aspects before making the 100% shift. Life is about a balance. It is good to follow your passion and at the same time also not overlook your responsibilities.

Thank you for visiting my blog.


GIF Courtesy @enginewitty 😍😍

My other blogs of Interest

"The Courage to Continue"
"The Beautiful Heartwarming Sunset 💖💖🌇"
"Travel Diaries - #The Buddhist Temples and Monasteries in Dharamshala, India"

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