Taking down Rick Marsdon - Days Gone.

Tucker asked me to meet her at her camp as she had a job for me so I returned to Hot Springs Camp trying the fast travel of the map and it was about looking for a Rick Marsdon and take him down from a drifter's camp.

I met Tucker and she asked Deacon if she remembers Rick Marsdon who used to ride with them and then Alkai ran him outta camp so he wasn't so happy about it. Now he joined a group of drifter's down at the Black Crater and led an attack against a supply run so Tucker wanted me to stop the man.

I rode to Black Crater - Recreation Area and there I noticed a rippers camp first which is titled as Black Crater Ambush Camp. I'd ambush the ambush camp later as I was there to locate Rick, not some rippers.

I rode away and left my bike down the hill and then I walked on foot towards the drifter's camp and it looked like filled with a lot of drifters.

One of them ran towards my bike probably after hearing the noise of my bike's engine. I took him down when Tucker was asking me if she needs to send Alkai and she asked me to bring Ricks hat as a proof of kill.

I noticed a sniper was looking around so I didn't feel it safe in that way. I found an alternative route and I found another sniper there whom I started tryin to distract throwing rocks.

Then I went close to him and took him down quietly after finding the correct window and I thought of keeping this fight as quiet as possible as there's a ripper's camp nearby.

But I fell in a land trap set by them and when I was trying to set the trap off, Deacon was screaming out of pain which attracted the drifters so I ran away.

There were a lot of them looking for me around and I was still trying to take them down quietly as they were not sure of my presence yet cause they didn't see me.

Then I was looking around taking cover behind a tree and I noticed some drifters on bike arrived at the scene suddenly and it was like they knew I was there so they started shooting me taking more of them along.

Now that my cover got blown, I was dodging their attacks when some of them were shooting at me and at the same time, I was checking their movements.

I threw some explosives on some of them and when I was taking care of all the drifters except Rick Marsdon, dude started offering me double of what Tucker promised me and then some freakers arrived the scene and took him own.

I found the man as Tucker described and then I brought his cowboy hat to Tucker as a proof of kill which finished the job.

That's all I wished to talk about in this post. Stay tuned so you don't miss my update about this game if you like it. I was done taking care of the Anarchists for now.

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