Conqueror Jacek Strategy


Due to its sophisticated rules, offering generalizable strategy suggestions on Splinterlands is not easy. Each of the 500+ cards valid in the game has its own story. Moreover, each league has its dynamics corresponding to the levels of cards. Fortunately, the characteristics of summoners do not change in different leagues. And summoners are cards that have a more significant impact on the results. In this context, I decided to write about how and in what situations each summoner should be used.

In the first article of my summoner blog series, I picked up Possibilus The Wise. I want to share my ideas on Conqueror Jacek in this article.

Strengths and Weaknesses Of Fire Cards

We must consider the fire element's strengths and weaknesses to use Jacek the Conqueror effectively. Fire element cards are powerful in attack. On the other hand, the majority of them have low health scores. That makes fire cards fragile. On the other hand, fire cards do not have the healing feature. This situation brings a disadvantage in long-running games. In this context, attacking early with cards with high firepower stands out as the best strategy. We should also surround our cards with a defense wall using cards with the Protect feature. To be the first to attack, we must use fast cards and accelerate the team.

Conqueror Jacek Vs. Jodin Zaku

Why use Conqueror Jacek when there is a card like Yodin Zaku? Yodin Zaku gives cards the blast feature, and increases ranged attack by one. Thus, fire monsters that are strong in attack become even more vital. Opponents can only win if they have made special preparations for Yodin Zaku. Moreover, Yodin Zaku adds health to all monsters.

On the other hand, Jacek speeds up the cards and gives them scattershots and piercing features. Speed gives an advantage in attacking early. We can improve speed, which is the most crucial variable in the game, by using the features of the cards. Piercing allows us to use our attack power to the fullest. Scattershots disrupt the opponent's plans.

Jacek's Advantages

All cards have scattershot features, making it impossible for the opponent to manipulate the game. Therefore, the player who uses Jacek takes control of the game. Moreover, the probability of faster cards being the first to attack increases.

Thanks to the Scattershot feature, we can shoot the cards the opponent plans to use for auxiliary missions. Thus, we can eliminate the opponent's healing support. Cards with the Blast feature become deadly under Jacek's guidance, as opponents cannot limit the impact of the explosions.

Jacek's Disadvantages

Many summoners provide health and armor support to cards. Jacek does not contribute to the cards in terms of defense. Fragile teams emerge when this situation is combined with the low health feature of the fire element.

It is possible to compensate for this disadvantage by using the features of the cards. It is necessary to use cards that add health and armor to all cards in the team.

We spent six from the mana limit with Jacek. So we should use something other than Jacek in small mana-limit games. My experience has shown that Jacek is most effective in 45+ mana limit games.

Cards Used with Jacek

I use Supply Runner and Countess Snash. Both have acceleration features. So, I want to have the distinction of being the first to attack. Countess Snash also has a blast feature and is often the most effective weapon of attack.

I use Ash Mirage and Elven Mstic to limit the opponent's attack power. Since I use Ash Mirage in the second row, it also acts as a precaution against the opponent's blast attacks.

I use Scavo Technomaster in games where the mana limit is relatively low. I prefer this card because of its Rust and Blast features.

The newly released Immolation is designed to be used with Jacek. When combined with Scattershot, the blast feature gives opponents a tough time.

My card preferences may differ depending on the mana limit. In the first row, I use Living Lava or Artemis The Bear. Both are good defensive cards. Artemis The Bear provides armor to the team. Living Lava reduces the armor of opponent cards.

Lava Launcher is one of the cards I prefer due to its high attack power. Additionally, Ferox Defender provides excellent defensive support.

Rulesets Where Jacek Is Effective

When Explosive Weaponry is valid, my first choice is Jacek. I use Jacek in relatively small mana limits when this ruleset is valid.

When Fog of War is valid, my first choice is also Jacek. Because while the opponents have to shoot the card in the first row, I get to attack all the opponent's cards.

The fire element is advantageous in Healed Out rules because healing cards of other elements become invalid.

Reverse Speed stands out as the ruleset that Jacek should not use.


Conqueror Jacek disrupts all attack and defense plans of the opponents thanks to its scattershot feature. Because it creates the opportunity to attack every opponent's card in ranged and magic attacks.

When using Jacek, I choose cards with the following features.

-Blast feature
-Headwinds, Silence

The Blast feature will increase the effectiveness of the attack. As the team accelerates, the probability of the opponent missing increases. While we defend ourselves with cards with armor, we leave the opponent defenseless with Rust.

I use a card with Silence as a precaution against magic attacks. Supply Runner and Countess Snash are my must-haves.

Conqueror Jack solves many problems in the Splinterlands game. The price is reasonable. I also like the visuals. What more?

Thank you for reading.

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