[Translation][Portuguese] The Curious Expedition, from English (1128 words) Day 4



  • The Curious Expedition on Github
  • The Curious Expedition on Crowdin

Project Details

Curious Expedition is a rogue-like expedition simulation set in the 19th century. Throughout the exploration of gigantic uncharted territories full of danger and treasures, the players will have to prove their bravery and ingenuity facing the unknown. The story is based on a decision-making dynamic that makes the path and gaming experience of every player different.

When I was first presented with this translation task I didn't know what I was about to discover. In order to do my job as perfect as possible I first searched the project to see for myself what I was translating. For my own surprise I found out that Curious Expedition is a really interesting game that lets you control all those fantastic explorers that I have read on books; it goes from Charles Darwin to Roald Amundsen and many others.

Being an adventure writer myself I must admit that I wish I had more time to play it!

The game is available on Steam, GOG, Humble Store and at the official homepage http://curious-expedition.com.

Contribution Specifications

1. Translation Overview

This is my 4th day working on Curious Expleditions and the day routine started with the translation of new strings added to the the Curious Expeditions: RIVALS files. Once that task was completed I worked on the Mod: Apes files.The strings translated today were in game menus, descriptions, help box descriptions and dialogues. I believe that the work routine is getting more fluid as I dig into how the game works.

Starting point on Curious Expedition:RIVALS files (English/Portuguese)

End point on Mod: Apes file (English/Portuguese)

  • [I was finishing up my morning preparations as|I was deeply absorbed in my studies about this area as|Early this morning|The journey across the ocean brought many wondrous sightings of marine life before|My thoughts were focussed on the forthcoming raid until|After an unexpectedly calm voyage|I dare not recount the trials and tribulations of the voyage, but thankfully|After weeks of travelling|After too many salty days at sea|After barely surviving one of the most monstrous thunderstorms I have ever witnessed on a ship|The open seas were glorious to sail upon, and I was somewhat sad when|After weeks with nasty food and no bananas|Just as I thought we would never find a way through these waters|In the thick mist of a rainy morning] [we reached the lands of the local ruler|we finally reached the shore of our raiding area|we arrived at our raiding area|a shoreline rose in the morning mist]. [The land lay open in front of us, vast and untamed|The foreign landscape beckoned us to explore|I was curious to discover what kind of dangers were waiting for us here|We had arrived, and it was time to sally forth|I knew this place held the key to my advance at court|I knew I needed to find and impress the local ruler|I knew I needed to find the Golden City].

    String source:https://crowdin.com/translate/the-curious-expedition/10/en-ptbr#13108, accessed on Sep. 13th at 18:01

  • [Eu estava terminando meus preparativos matinais quando|Eu estava em profunda imersão nos estudos sobre esta área quando|Era cedo da manhã quando|A jornada através do oceano trouxe muitas visões maravilhosas da vida marinha quando
    |Meus pensamentos estavam focados no próximo ataque quando|Depois de uma viagem inesperadamente calma|Não me atrevo a contar as provações e atribulações da viagem, mas felizmente|Depois de uma inesperadamente calma viagem|Depois de muitos dias salgados no mar|Depois de sobreviver a uma das mais monstruosas tempestades que eu já presenciei em um navio|Os mares abertos tinham sido gloriosos para navegar, e eu fiquei um pouco triste quando|Depois de semanas com comida desagradável e sem bananas|Justo quando eu pensava que nunca encontraríamos um caminho através destas águas|Na névoa espessa de uma manhã chuvosa] [nós chegamos às terras do governante local|nós finalmente chegamos à costa de nossa área de invasão|nós chegamos a nossa área de invasão|uma linha de costa elevou-se na neblina da manhã]. [A terra estava aberta à nossa frente, vasta e indomável|A paisagem estrangeira nos chamou para explorar|Eu estava curioso para descobrir que tipo de perigos estavam esperando por nós aqui|Nós tínhamos chegado, e era hora de sair|Eu sabia que este lugar tinha a chave do meu avanço na corte|Eu sabia que precisava encontrar e impressionar o governante local|Eu sabia que precisava encontrar a Cidade Dourada].

    String source:https://crowdin.com/translate/the-curious-expedition/10/en-ptbr#13108, acessado em 13 de Setembro às 18:01

2. Languages

This translation was made from English to Portuguese.

For the past two years, I worked as a basic to intermediate level English teacher at a local school, expanding greatly my knowledge of the English and Portuguese grammar/vocabulary. Now I'm a full time content creator using English as my main language.

I volunteered to translate two different projects for the brazilian community, which served as a sample for my application on the Da-Vinci/Utopian Portuguese Translation Team, where I'm currently working.

3. Word Count

  • On this work I have translated a total of 1128 words over a period of 4 hours

Proof of Authorship

3 columns
2 columns
1 column
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