How to make toys for a cat with your hands

Welcome, dear readers!

As promised in my previous article here, I want to tell you now how to make toys for your furry friend - a cat or a cat.

I must say that it is not so difficult, it is quite cope even a child.

And the necessary materials for these purposes are quite simple and uncomplicated. The main thing is that they are safe for both people and animals.

Many of them are unnecessary in the economy cardboard boxes, paper, paper bags.

So, consider how to make a few simple, but attractive for cats toys.

In order to make such a toy as "Aquarium", taken a box, you can from under the shoes or any other box with a lid and holes made in it, through them the cat will try to catch a variety of small toys placed in it.


On the box we plan to pencil small circles 4-5 centimeters in diameter, so that the kitten's foot could easily penetrate into themand cut out the circles with a knife.


Then we paint the box with paint or paste over with colored paper, then put it to smell a little dry food and a couple of small toys.


In order to make a mouse, take the old, a sock, turn it inside out, cut the toe length from 5 to 8 centimeters, sew the edges, leaving a small hole through which turn the resulting bag on the front side.


Through this hole put cut into small pieces of old tights and a couple of teaspoons of Catnip, then sew up the hole.

The next toy "Rattle with a prize" to make even easier.

To do this, we need a small plastic bottle, where we need to put a few pellets of dry food.

Cat loose sticks his paw into the bottle and pulls out a treat.

About such a toy as "Tease" is in principle known to many.

It can be made from different subjects. It can be an artificial mouse or twisted several times a sheet of paper that are tied to a rope or to a strong elastic band and is suspended to the door handle, to the back of the chair, behind the chair, heating pipes, etc.. Only condition is the distance from the toy to the floor should be at least 8 - 10 centimeters.


Also, you can make a house for a cat, scratching posts and other entertainments that will allow your pet to have fun and protect from damage to your furniture and Wallpaper on the walls.


Making toys for a pet will give pleasure to you and your children, if you do them together.


Thank you for your attention, see you soon!

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