Heritage and cultural values (biological)

Ok talking about Heritage, cultural and bilogical we should have in mind that they are ways one can acquire a particular thing.

Take for instance a father has 6plots of lands, he has only one son and eventually the father gave up the ghost sooner or later, the 6plots of lands automatically becomes the son's land.But how? He son no doubt inherited it from his father and as such that property is urs through inheritance.

Another example,In a Kingdom whereby there is a king,a queen and the prince, once the king kicks the bucket,the kingdom automatically becomes to the prince,he will now be crowned the King.
It is also his inheritance,he inherited the kingdom from his father the king.

What more are we talking about, heritage has to do with transfer to the young generation,it is something that started even before our forefathers were born.
It is some times regarded as tradition and must be done accordingly.

In a situation whereby there are 2sons in the family and the father has 5plots,once the father is no more to be found on Earth then the lands should be shared among the two sons and of course the first son's own should be bigger than the second son's own,it can be shared three for the first son and two for the second. The person son has to be given his right as the first son.
All these are examples of heritage.

Heritage is been done all over the world today and it saves arguments.

In the aspect of cultures. Culture is seen as the people's way of life, that is to say that they we eat is our culture,the way we dress is our culture,our religion is our culture, our believe is our culture and almost everything we do is our culture.
Culture is further spread and divided,each nation or tribe has it's own culture.
Igbo culture is totally different from Yoruba culture and vice versa, Yoruba culture is totally different from igbo culture, igbo culture is totally different from hausa culture, hausa culture is also different from Yoruba.

We will take this three main ethnic groups in Nigeria for example.

Firstly The igbo culture. The igbo culture have been found to be the greatest culture. Igbos are known to be traditional set of people,they obey traditions as if it was their God, in igbo for example,we have the 5 market days which are the eke,the orie,afor,nkwo. Any woman who is from igbo and wants to get married,the marriage must be done in 3 times, firstly the introduction,2nd the knocking on the door, third, paying of the bride price. In igbo land too,they are expected to greet and respect their elders,in igbo land women are not allowed to break kolanut it is a serious sacrilege, in igbo lands to kolanut is being respected and used in different occasions like wedding ceremony, burial ceremonyetc. In igbo land extra Marital sex and pre marital sex are totally forbidden.
Lesbianism, and homosexuality are also a sin.

Igbos are really blessed with so many good things such as farming. Research has shown that farming originated from the igbos. Igbos are also very creative. They also have different proverbs and their meaning for example, ukwa ruo oge ya odaa which means ihe ruo oge ya omee. Above all igbos have the best language.

The second ethnic group we have in Nigeria are the Yorubas. The yorubas are found in the west. They are know for Bowing down when greeting,they are known for eating too much peppery food,they are also known for planting of kolanuts although they don't respect it as Igbos does. Yorubas are known for eating ewudu soup and Amala unlike igbos who eat garri and egusi soup. Yorubas have their dressing.
They are also blessed with a limited amount of natural resources.

Lastly the hausa. The hausa are seen in the northern part of the country,they are known for eating of kolanut but they do not plant or respect it. The hausa have their own greeting and dressing,they are mainly Muslims and they worship Allah in a mosque.

All these mentioned above are three different cultures in Nigeria but we are encouraged not to discriminate or choose which type of people to associate with,no matter what we are still one Nigeria.

We should have respect for these cultures and inter_tribal marriages should be promoted.

In this aspect the entire human body is involved.

Bilogical simply means
Whr someone originated from, whose reproductive cells where used.
For example a new couple who are unable to reproduce for many years want to adopt another person's child, after they must have adopted the child,the child now belongs to them by adoption they are not the bilogical parents of that child but if they were able to reproduce then any offspring that comes through the process of reproduction is theirs bilogically.

Bilogically is further spread to people who have one sickness or the other or one visible character or the other, they will also give birth to a child who have similar sickness or similar visible characters.

In bilogical,genes are involved, sometimes u may see a couple who are very tall but end up giving birth to dwarfs,u may wonder what happened,it's from the gene of the parents.

A fair couple might also give birth to a dark child that is also from the gene.

So in conclusion, Heritage, cultural and bilogical are very important and all should be promoted in the society.

This is my entry for the aprilinleo monthly prompt you are free to join this initiative and make post

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