MonochromeMonday initiated by @old-guy-photos : How colour changes everything

MonochromeMonday initiated by @old-guy-photos is a great way to tune in to a whole new way of looking at your world.

This sequence of photographs shows how. Just by varying the shades of a image, can change the way we feel about the image.

This photo just looks oldie worldie and fairly neutral.


This photo of the same church now looks a bit more threatening and dark.


This third photo looks pretty spooky as it messes with our perception with the menacing clouds and unreal colouring. Is it blue, or green or grey? You expect to see some lightning at any moment?


Finally the church in it's natural colour with warm sunlight. A typical small country church that would look nice on a box of chocolates. As you can see there is an art to using this medium.


Looking at the world through the lens of the monochrome can give interesting result. Something that is very ordinary suddenly may become quite interesting. Like this snow covered washing line. The more mundane the better the effect. Your mind wonders. Is it the web of some monstrous spider?

snow covered clothes line cobweb shaped.jpg

For many adults who grew up in a black and white world. The advent of colour into our lives via movies and then later TV was a real mind blowing experience. People were shocked and amazed at the first screenings of The Wizard of Oz as it morphed from a black and white movie, into colour.

Monochrome can make things look even more dramatic than they already are. Like this Shipwreck.

The Shipwreck

It can make the most mundane thing like this gate seem so much more distinguished and important. OK this is pretty impressive architecturally but you get the idea. It's the entrance to Kings College in Cambridge.

Kings College Entrance Cambridge

Monochrome can make objects look and feel iconic especially in architecture. Like the Abril bridge in Lisbon photographed while attending at #steemfest2 I crossed it many times and it is pretty impressive. Monochrome just makes it more so.

Steemfest2 Lisbon

For many younger people who have always lived with colour in their lives. This monochrome concept is a relatively new idea. How many times have you heard a kid say. "I'm not watching that movie. It's in black and white?"

While this statement may seem just dumb to us oldtimers. It just goes to show that these kids still have a lot to learn. Not to mention about film noir, which is a whole other blog.

Even animal photography can be interesting in black and white. This Zebra was made for this medium.

The weirdest game reserve on earth

And of course, the most powerful images of people are always in monochrome. There is something about portrait photography. I can't put my finger on it but maybe you have a few ideas you could throw in the comments.


molometer profile white.jpg

The above portrait was taken by my son. He is a professional photographer. The addition of colour changes how we see and relate to images completely.

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