Backyard gardening and hog raising

I was born and grew up living at the mountainous area and it was really hard for and for my younger siblings coz we are far from the city ,we are far from everything what we need like stores,markets ,drugstores ,bakeries and church.It was really hard coz no vehicles can reached our place before ,we need to walk for 30minutes going to the school and I said to my self ,I will not live again at the mountainous area after I finish my studies but I was it did'nt happen coz now I live at the mountan with my own family and I realize how nice to live a mountainous area than in City.

My husband's place was located at the mountainous area of Bato,Leyte Philippines,we need to travel for 15-20minutes going to the town and when the first time I stayed here I get bored honestly coz I am used to lived at the city and my family was migrated at the place near at the barangay ,we left our place at the mountain and lived near in everything we need.Since my father is a farmer ,he still needs to go the mountain everyday.
After a month of living here ,I felt comfortable and then I realized how nice to live here were you can inhale those fresh air ,a quite place to live and of course we have some space to plants flowers and vegetables.

Everything we need now was increasing the price and thats the reasons that we are trying to plant some vegetables and fruits in out backyard.For us to save money from spending for it ,we choose to plant some of vegetables and fruits we wanted.

A string beans was planted by my brother inlaw who lived nearly to us ,we are free to get some string beans if we want.


A cucumber was also planted by brother inlwaw ,he does'nt have a stable job and planting vegetables is his way to make us save from spending money and we can now eat fresh vegetables without spending any amount for it.


We have here also the Gabi,we can used this as vegetable.My father inlaw planted it and its nice to have this kind of plant coz this is good for sinigang or other pork soup recipes.


Having a sweet potato plants in the backyard helps us to save for our viand just like yesterday ,I gathered some sweetpotato tops for our viand and gathered some malunggay leaves also which we can found in our backyard.



We will not spend any amount for our species like chilli ,bell pepper ,onions and garlic coz we had it in our backyard.






This bell pepper was just planted last week ,hopefully it will grow faster and bear many fruits.


We had some fruits like papaya ,pineapple and banana and this fruits is very expensive now in the market.





Last year 2020,we raised pigs and I am so happy that we able to earned and have a profit around 5000pesos or $100 each pig ,we able to pay our debts nad buy the things we need.It was'nt easy to raised a pig but through the help of some videos on youtube we able to raised it for 3rd times ,its not easy coz we need to spend huge amount for it but its worth it when you see your pigs healthy coz for sure you will see the profits after selling it.But then the sad news came ,the virus which is the ASF or African swine fever was reached and spreading the province so we decided to stop raising pigs and waited for the time that the virus will gone so that we raise again some pigs.


Since we stopped raising pigs we find an alternative animals and decided to raised chickens ,a native chickens but we are not going to sell it ,this chicken is for our viand so that we can't spend money for having a chicken meat.



Look at this little boy ,he loves feeding our chicken.

And thats it for our backyard tour ,anyway its my first to post in this community .I hope you enjoy this blog .Thank you and God bless us all.


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