Kellogg's Post

This is a Post.

This is a Kellogg's.

They look the same
from the outside
but they taste different.

Which cereal do you prefer?

Actually I'm writing this post to let you know I don't hate Steemit. I haven't posted here for a month because I'm on vacation and I never thought about the Steem World. It's when I am stuck in my office with a screen in my face that the Steem world seems attractive.

If it will make you feel any better I haven't posted a video on Youtube for a month either. The wierd thing about Youtube is even though I don't post something new people keep watching. But I don't Post on Steemit people start feeling lonely.

So what is it, Post or Kellogg's?



No commercial product endorsement intended.

In conclusion:

If you have arms and legs and are not confined to an office with a computer screen blaring in your face then go outside and enjoy the world God gave us.

Do it for all the Dilberts in the world.


Dilbert Source

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