
I am a son and humble servant of Nigeria, the Giant of Africa, a powerful country and the most populous black nation in the world. Nigeria has been the biggest economy in Africa for many years now, it’s really the center of Africa’s politics and development.


Nigeria was a great country who other African countries ran to for help over the years, being the almighty giant of Africa which is a mirage at the moment because there’s nothing giant about the Nigeria of recent, our leaders have failed us woefully, anarchy and corruption have become the order of the day.


The country have gotten so bad and the rot is deeply rooted in most of the citizens because everybody now wants to benefit from corruption. I really feel being the president of our beloved once great country would the the hardest job in the world because the president really have a whole lot to do and correct in order for the country to strive again and retains it’s deserved position as the Giant of Africa and the major Economic powerhouse of Africa and the world at large.


The problems of the country are too cumbersome ranging from the respective governments to the legislature, judicial and all the sectors of the country, many have taken them as normal and don’t even care about what will happen later in the day. There’s high inflation in the country which results in the high price of all the products including fuel, oil and gas which Nigeria produces in large scale being the Biggest producer of oil and gas in Africa. These problems are tiring and worrisome, it’s not meant to be in the first place. All the problems can be solved if the leaders at the top act right, become selfless and serve the people like they promised to do and exhibits the qualities of good leadership in them instead of being selfish and greedy and not thinking about the common man. In Nigeria of today, the middle class has been completely erased making the gap between the rich and poor so large that it has become the poverty capital of the world. About 80% of the Nigerian population of 200 million live below $1 per day while our leaders steal and lavish the treasures of the country with no pity. This has to be stopped and corrected. Evil strives when good people keep quiet and we’ve been quiet for a long time, it’s time to act and help our country to become great again.


Security is very bad, there’s no peace, the people now sleep with one eye open because the leaders are not protecting them. I want a Nigeria where the citizens wants to live and work happily instead of thinking about how to escape the country, a country where everyone are equal irrespective of your person, a country with discipline and orderliness not subjected to corruption, a country well secured that the people are not scared of anything, security is a priority and a country where the leaders lead the people with their heart and not for their selfish and greedy purposes.


Being the next president of this country would take great courage and if I’m to be the president of my great country for day, I will try to correct many things with the little time I have. The problems will be very difficult to correct and implement because I have just a day to do this and make it work.


As the president of this great country, I will tackle the issue of security, the country has been ravaged by insurgency for more than a decade now which is not a good thing and good image for the country. Many foreign companies have left the country because of these security issues and it has become worrisome because the country keeps losing investments which is not a good thing for our economy. Many citizens have been killed by these terrorists, these dead citizens are human beings like me and I really feel for them. These security issues have to be tackled first before it becomes uncontrollable. There are some conspiracy theories circulating the news that some leaders are sponsoring these terrorists and using them to get riches for themselves. I don’t want to believe these rumors but if they happen to be true, then I will have to fish out those leaders sponsoring these terrorists and tackle the issue from the top and root, this way, the security issues caused by the terrorists will be tackled. The security will be tightened in every nook and cranny of the country by deploying security officials in strategic points and creating good response teams who are ready to serve the country with all their heart. This will bring peace to the country, the citizens will be happy again and stop living in fear. Things will change for good, foreign investors will start coming back to the country with no fear and help boost the economy of the nation.


Secondly, I will sack all the corrupt government officials and create a law through the legislative arm of government that will issue punishment for any government official who steal from the nation, these punishments would be life imprisonments with hard labour and stripping the officials of all their wealth. Corruption is the root of all the problems in this country so it needs to be eradicated completely for the country to work. Corruption is the reason Nigeria still have epileptic power supply in 21st century. I will make sure I eradicate corruption at all sectors and parastatals of the government. The Judiciary and Legislature have to be independent for this to come to pass. When there’s no corruption in a nation, the country strives. Eradicating corruption will be very great and will help in creating several job opportunities in the nation because most government officials have some jobs meant for the common man to themselves and steal wealth through these means.
This will reduce the unemployment rate in the nation thereby reducing the poverty rate percentage drastically, the economy strives and increases the standard of living for all citizens.


Thirdly, for my country to strive, I will have to improve the economy of the country, the human development index and the standard of living for all the citizens.
To achieve this, I will have to make my country an exporting country because right now, Nigeria imports more than it exports which is not a good thing for an economy. Nigeria’s major export is oil and gas which accounts to about 90% of it’s total exportation. I will boost agricultural exportation, bring more foreign investments, and provide more with the excess raw materials we have in Nigeria. This will boost the Nigerian economy and strengthens the Nigerian currency making it strong for foreign exchange. These major exports, industrialization and Agriculture will boost the nation’s GDP enormously. This will eradicate unemployment and poverty in the several states and the country at large.


I believe these three things will really improve the country for good and make the nation work again retaining it’s “Giant of Africa” title. The people work to change the nation for good.



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