Steemchurch:Fill me in, sir

Believe in me, O God, a clean heart,
And renew a right spirit within me.

Do not throw me out in front of you,
And do not take away from me your holy Spirit. (Psalm 51: 10-11)

How impressive it is to realize how King David felt after having sinned against the person he loved the most, how he reacted to his soul, spirit, heart and even his physical body, felt empty; But the most shocking of all, he felt empty inside with his aching bones, since he was far from his beloved, from the wished of the nations, he came to say these words. Have mercy on me, O Jehovah, for I am sick; Heal me, O LORD, for my bones tremble. (Psalms6.2 KJV)


And with this I dare to ask you, have you ever felt in your life like this after failing God? How can someone experience such deep pain within their being? As David had the pleasure, the delight to feel completely the presence of God, in its fullness, I can understand the magnitude of the powerful and wonderful presence of God, that which breaks even the hardest. David yearned, wished the presence of God more than anything, more than fame, blessings, victories. He could live without kingdom, without glory, without riches, God could take away his authority; But one thing I was sure I could not live without the Presence of God. That is why when he sinned he knew that God could not have a relationship with sin and knew that the holy spirit would depart from his heart that is why he felt his life agonizing. But you know David did not allow that to happen, he came to humiliation, to the power of God's love, he declared his sin, he did not cover his iniquity, so that what he feared most would happen, That the Holy Spirit did not leave his life.

Once I learned that a glove needs the hand to move, can take shape and mobility, so our body in the same way, needs the holy spirit so that it has life, form, mobility and we understand how indispensable and dependent we are on God. . Maybe you have also felt like this king, Perhaps in a moment of your life you have experienced that exasperating and anguished feeling of feeling empty, weak, without strength, as if something was missing, you cry bitterly, screaming many times Why? Yearning in your heart to be stronger knowing that you had promised God and not to do it anymore and knowing the opportunities that He had given you, you feel that slowly you are dying. Let me tell you that it is a state of "ALERT" I do not know what was the situation so that the door of your heart you have left open, perhaps sin, indifference, carelessness, disappointments, people who have damaged you, coldness, which caused the presence God will move away from you. But Jesus tells you even these in time to recognize that you have sinned, decide and do your part to seek and strengthen your spirit in prayer, fasting and food of his word to let you dazzle and fall in love with him, to make a commitment real in your being of not failing him more, falling into the practice of the bad; remember you are the temple of the holy spirit where God wishes to dwell. Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? (1 Corinthians 3-16)

You know the Holy Spirit is a person, feels, hurts, thinks, rejoices, cries. Perhaps you have been feeling empty for so long, without strength, and weakly dying, and it is because the presence of God is no longer in you, because time has passed and you let him go away, you were negligent, you have not humiliated yourself your feet recognizing your faults asking him to return the longing of your soul, the desired of the nations. While I kept silent, my bones grew old In my moaning all day. (Psalm 32-3)

Understand this your wife or boyfriend whom you love so much and trust him, deceives you and do him tremendous harm, do you think he or she wants to continue by your side? not true, it would be filled with grief and pain. But the difference of the presence of God is that He has not completely gone away, he waits for you yearningly and if you pour out your life and confess with your lips your iniquity, He returns to you to fall in love and to have a relationship with commitment, respect a closer communion with him and his presence comes in a supernatural way to your heart to give life to what was dying, your bones are strengthened, the joy of your salvation comes. Make me hear joy and gladness, And the bones that you have broken will be recreated. (Psalm 51-8)

You know how precious this is, the Bible tells the story of a widowed woman with her children who were going to be taken for a creditor's servants, then this woman in her despair talks to a prophet named Elisha explaining her situation then and then the woman He says he only had one jar of oil. He said: Go and ask for you borrowed vessels from all your neighbors, empty vessels, not a few (2 Kings 4-3 KJV) look at this details "Not a few" then in: (2 Kings 4-6) When the vessels were full , said to his son: Bring me still other vessels. And he said: There are no more vessels. Then the oil stopped. How wonderful it is to know that we are a vessel created by the best potter and that oil is his Presence and that when we come to Him in our faith, a miracle happens, He fills us until there is an overflow.

Let Jesus flood you, make you drunk with his presence that believes in you a straight heart from Him deposed not to fail more and never feel away from His Presence, remember, keep it in mind Jesus fills it all, your weaknesses, weaknesses, your sorrows, your worries, everything, let Him walk in every corner of your heart and you can feel full of his presence forever. "He wants to fill you up again."

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