Burnout: Cumulative Chronic Stress



Burnout passively develops and is mostly a phenomenon in repetitive jobs. That's the reason why most corporates have devised some mechanism to create brief diversions, outdoor training, and activities different from their routine tasks/jobs.

The problem of Burnout is further exacerbated for introverts. Because it is largely a problem associated with the interior and exterior periphery of an individual. So if the exterior social relationship is complex and the interior being is an introvert, it could amplify Burnout every now and then, that psychological exhaustion will become a repeating syndrome in such people.

Just like the depletion of our energy level starts as the day wears out and reaches its climax (exhaustion) towards evening or late evening, burnout is such a syndrome that develops in the long run when the physical capacity and emotional sustainability are in constant erosion because of our overextended job/responsibility/obligation in the workplace.

As a result, the inner conscience develops resistance towards our job/work profile even though it's a source of living, and without that, it will jeopardize our financial position.

Do you know why some people are so frustrated with their job profile even if it is a lucrative & high-paying job? Because they are in constant erosion with their emotional sustainability and capacity concerning that job and being routine and repetitive further induces irritability.

If Burnout is not addressed at the individual level and institutional level, it could result in inefficacy, cynicism, and a sense of detachment among the workers in the organization. Ultimately it would affect the productive capacity of the individual as well as the organization/institution.

An emotional relationship is not just a familial thing, it is equally important at work, the interpersonal framework with healthy emotional being must be factored in B2B, B2C, and B2E relationships/engagement.

Burnout is not like dengue or flu which can be objectively diagnosed, it's a very subtle and passive phenomenon that develops in the long run and keeps on adding on a day-to-day basis. So we can say it is systematic and cumulative stress that develops in the occupation or job profile and ultimately becomes a chronic stressor.

The question of burnout may further be compounded when the workforce starts aging and when their physical capacity may not aid as an assistant, particularly at a time of constant draining of psychological state.


What are the sources and how to deal with the issue of Burnout

The best and simplest way to deal with Burnout is a congenial work culture. However, it is not that abstract and straightforward.

Therefore it is necessary to find out the reasons for Burnout at different levels, some of them are:-

  • If there is a stressful relationship at home, that could potentially translate to Work/Office/Job- You can not say personal and professional life is different in this context.

  • Whether a chosen profession is intrinsically motivated or not; if yes, then deep engagement with the work will be quite natural and one would be passionately engaged with it. If not, then also one can develop such passion from the outset with a vision to make it a long-term career, that is where the purpose of the individual and purpose of the organization must converge.

  • Social interactions within the organization but different from the profession, in the form of outdoor activities, recreational activities, rejuvenation, yoga, outdoor assignments, tours, etc.

  • Whether workload is just or not, similarly whether reward and compensation/perks are remunerative or not.

  • Whether the community feeling within the organization is creating interpersonal socialization or not, creating a sense of belongingness or not.

  • Whether the erosion of physical and psychological capacity is being replenished from time to time or not.



If there is life, there must be livelihood, in the modern-day civilization that has taken the shape of job, work culture, organizational aspiration, values, success, etc. The quantitative aspirations of individuals and organizations must be qualified by qualitative aspects so that Human tendency remain Humane and organic and does not turn into mechanistic Humans to address the issue of burnout.


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