Reflecting On My Understanding About Space.

I have always asked myself some questions in life about this earth, “are there more earth, does multi universe truly exist, do other planets exist”. One of my greatest dreams in life will be to explore this planet and if possible own a place on one of this planet.


I have a lot of questions to ask about space. There are so many people with different points of view about space, astronomy, astrology and a lot more, some believe NASA keeps the secret of things in the space for us not to know. Sometimes I find it hard to to believe which is and which is not.

Some of My Questions are;

  • Does Multi universe truly exist and why haven't we seen one

  • Is the Sun still the biggest in the space?

  • Do Black holes truly exist? And why it has not swallowed one of the eight planets?

  • Did the Earth Evolve on its own ?


Does Multi universe truly exist and why haven't we seen one

According to research I made, talks about their infinite universe, “can this be true”, am still yet to believe this. Some researchers even believe before we can explore another planet we will be thousands of years ahead, “Has anyone lived that long”, How were this calculation and research made. How were they even able to conclude it's another universe,? Did someone enter there? These are the questions am still yet to conclude and believe in.



Is the Sun still the biggest in the space?

I remember arguing with my friend last year that the sun is the biggest in our solar system, but he kept on saying it was the Mu Cephi star. I said to myself, how can a star be bigger than the Sun? We then decided to check online and what I saw baffled me. The me-Cephi is 1500 times bigger than the Sun and some others. This made me baffled, “Are we that small” because I know the earth to be smaller than the sun, and that the sun can contain hundreds of the earth. I said to myself “This is serious”, and how many more stars are yet to be discovered that are bigger?



Do Black holes truly exist? And why it has not swallowed one of the eight planets?

I kept on reading and watching some videos on YouTube about the black hole in space. The black hole. “Do black holes exist”, if black holes were to get closer to the earth, “Can Blackhole swallow the earth”. The earth this big can it be swallowed? What if we enter the black hole where do we go?



Did the earth truly evolve on its own

Every religion has its understanding of how the world was created. I was born into a Christian home and made to believe that the earth was created by a supernatural being called “God” I barely know of other religions. We were made to understand that God created the Whole world in one day and on the seventh day, he rested. How can this be possible? This Book of the bible made science and my religion confusing. According to Scientific research, there are infinite multi-dimensions of different planets and we also know the Earth is not small. How is it possible for a Supernatural being that looks like a “man” Human Being, to create all this Black hole, Sun, planets, Moon, and Man intelligence also within 6 days? In the book, it references he created the Whole earth and his kingdom in one day, his he that Big?

There are a lot of questions of space on my mind that require to be answered. I have tried to do a lot of research but still yet to conclude on this true existence because sometimes when I get to read space news, I see a lot of planets stronger than us and I get scared. I do believe all planets have inhabitants, maybe they just hide from us humans when we go there or they are invisible to our eyes.

My Question Now is, Should we conclude and believe everything we hear or read? Only NASA talks about several dimensions of space, the other historical books are limited to space. “What is yet to be known or believed”

Below are references that prompted be to ask this question about the earth and everything around it. I believe in this life there are still more to know, and I will love to seek more knowledge on exploration of the other earth.

** This is My Entry to #Inleo #Juneinleo Day 8 of June Calendar. You can participate By Clicking Here**

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