Reduce, Reuse, Recycling Concept Gives Solution To Our Biggest Environmental Problem In Nigeria

The Earth and it entirety in relation to human inhabitants areas, have been polluted due to improper recycling of waste or used products. It is observed that when the 3 R’s are not properly carried out that there will be air pollution or it could even cause damage to the environment which could affect the earth. The Major goal of The 3 R’s is to help prevent excessive and unnecessary waste, and to help limit the consumption resources that can be renewable and non renewable.
The Earth and it’s inhabitant will be safe when when proper engagement of The 3 R’s is carried out. The Three R’s stands for Reduce which means we must always lessen our intake of packaged food as the amount of waste it could cause in the environment. The Reuse means we should always be attentive of our items conditions and avoid using only once as it can be beneficial to other individuals at large. The Recycling Is similar to reuse but this involves the use of a product to a new use by another person instead of disposing them or throwing them away.



Understanding Reuse, Reduce, Recycling.


This is the major category to be noted. It involves using a more lighter-weight material for a product that can be easily disposed or renewed. Most industrial company need to take note of this as it can eliminate unnecessary cost. Reduce helps the environment by eliminating certain products, lower transports cost and helps cycling to be easy.


Although not all packages can be renewed or reusable. This helps it reduce Cost and energy. Reuse can be a more sustainable option to give solutions to unnecessary production or excess production. Reusing your package has a long durability typically more robust and durable for longer use to reduce prices


recycling package is the best solution or option for a used product. This solution could come in When reuse or reduce is not possible. Using recycling or recycled packaging can help avoid taxes or other aspect and makes it easier to use a product since you familiar with it already.

Growing up in Nigeria, we were never taught of the categories in school, we grew up to discover this ourself to make the environment a peaceful and safe place. Education played a vital role in educating us about this phenomenal even though we were not taught directly in our school Days. I grew up to understand that the 3R’s are not only necessary but also compulsory not just for us but for people in need of our support also.

My first Encounter with the 3Rs was through the My state waste management, whereby I saw the logo of the 3Rs and I browsed through my phone what it really meant. Growing up I discovered that this three Essential components of environmentally responsible consumer behavior are important to help reduce excessive consumption of waste and improper cycling management.


(Image taken By me)

In Nigeria some people don’t understand the useful of The 3Rs as they dispose any used products they consume that can still be valuable to some other community’s or the production community. Above is a picture of how people dispose their renewable and non renewable resources. This is one of the problem of people that can affect the earth and other inhabitants. When rain falls there could be a blockages in the passage of water.

Possible Solution To the Challenges of Reduce Reuse Recycling in Nigeria

  • Alwsay use renewable resources to reduces cost and heavy consumption

  • Purchase wisely

  • proper Awareness of the Government or non governmental organization to the Community or environment

  • Always put in place the principle of Recycling both individual and industries

  • Always donate used goods as it can be useful to another community.

In conclusion, we must create awareness to the public at large to enlighten them on the importance and benefits of Reuse, reduce, Recycling. Following the Three R’s will help protect and make less tax cost to make the community safe and other community to benefit from this production and environmental protection.

This is My Entry to the #Inleo #Mayinleo Day 14 month of May Calendar. You can participate in the Inleo Engagement through #leogrowth.


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Yours sincerely

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