My Opinion on Diversity And Tolerance

Diversity is the existence of different cultures, religion, and several perspectives of experience and background an individual brings. Tolerance means the ability to accept and respect different peoples, beliefs, ethics, and lifestyles which can be similar or not similar to our own Lifestyle or culture. Tolerance and diversity are independent but they both work together for a better environment. We can have diversity but not have tolerance, but it is important we have both. This are factors we tend to learn on our own, although some cultures or lifestyle can’t be learnt on our own, but embracing and accepting people for who they are is one major factor of life. Growing up we were never taught on Tolerance of diversity.

Photo by fauxels from Pexels

Generally to me, diversity and tolerance are very similar to each other as they both have closely related characteristics. To be diverse means the existence of different ethics, gender, age, sexual orientation and lot more which is also similar to tolerance that involves accepting of all this diversity.

How Diversity and Tolerance Are Closely Related

  • The same Goal; They both work for the Same Purpose to an individual. The Goal of diversity and tolerance is educated people to always accept everyone with love around us even from different backgrounds or culture.

  • Accepting and Respect; Tolerance helps to improve acceptanve and respect of a different or diverse lifestyles. The goal of diversity and tolerance helps to make people accept and respect peoples Culture.

  • Creating a Safe Mindset and Places; Diversity and tolerance helps to make the community safe from negative thoughts on peoples culture and perspectives. Tolerance which means to embrace this diverse culture helps to creating Understanding and empathy.

  • Empathy and Sympathy; Tolerance helps us to be aware and to accept peoples culture with people either through empathy or sympathy. So culture and lifestyle which is diverse from one get accepted through sympathy and compassion while other get accepted through empathy.


Photo by fauxels from Pexels

Why We All Need The Value of Tolerance and Diversity.

This is one of the most Core vital value to live peacefully and adapt in several ways of community. There are some reason which I will be listing below on why it is important we value this objectives.

  • Personal Growth; We need to learn tolerance and diversity to adapt to different learning grounds, by embracing and accepting the different perspective, background and understanding for us grow and become much more better.

  • Education; It take tolerance of diversity yo adapt different educational learning grounds. This helps to overcome challenges and handles conflicts or argument in a right way.

  • Peace; the is one of the major factor of Tolerance and diversity. We must learn to tolerate different diversity for peace to reign. This is Important to Life because we get to grow everyday.

Tolerance and Diversity on Hive

My Journey on hive has taught me a lot on tolerance and diversity. I discovered my self on how to tolerate and adapt to people's style of free writing and reading composure. Different people from different country and background coming together whith difrrient style of English and writing skills. We all learnt from some one way or the other but its our duty and privileges to accept and adapt to different people style of learning, culture, lifestyle and background. Hive has taught me to be understad and accept diversity and adapt to its tolerance in learning and engagement. Am also not perfect to anyone reading my writing.

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